
Wheres I want to be

I love reasons for + and -K I can live with either but I do want to know why.

almost 14 years
haha i thought the last game was fucking win, GG <333 and same here but i already plussed you :*
deletedalmost 14 years
lol thanks brotha, returned.
almost 14 years
Don't worry about it :)
almost 14 years
+4 karma
almost 14 years
+ked vig is a retard
deletedalmost 14 years
Thanks lol but I did nothing pro in that game, just knew scum by process of elimination. Heroic game-saving shrink gets +K. ;p
almost 14 years
+k returned, thx! :)
almost 14 years
Returned, thank you.
almost 14 years
:D returned
deletedalmost 14 years
aw thanks, but why did you +k me?
deletedalmost 14 years
GG. I'll karma back as soon as I can. <3
almost 14 years
Well at first I didn't, but you listened to reason and ultimately voted for maf, so for that I will return the +K.
almost 14 years
+4 k to yeww~
deletedalmost 14 years
almost 14 years
You didn't apologize either. I can fess up to my mistakes, what's wrong with fessing up to yours?
almost 14 years
Fine, be mad and neg me because I TOLD YOU SO!!!!!!!!
almost 14 years
+Kd =)
almost 14 years
k+, return when u can =)
about 14 years
Hmm.... For some reason, I can't +K You. I'd love to though. You played a good game as the doc to which I CCed. Can't wait to keep playing with ya in the future. And when I can +K you, I will.