The Dark Night


To turn everyone into a member of the Shadow realm, in addition to conquering Middle Earth in the name of Sauron, and recovering the Ring of Power. Along with w/e else we come up with along the way :-P........... P.S. Yay for Darkness! Theme Song:

over 13 years
Apparently my new attitude to EM is having adverse effects on my karma. I'll see if I can pretend I care about people's opinions on lylo when I am the only clear.
over 13 years
Yeah, I only play EM because I'm a spazoid that loves to collect points.
over 13 years
What Dreamer said. Hence why I'm always in sandbox and never in ranked.
deletedover 13 years
No point in trying to take this game serious.
over 13 years
Same, played a couple of games in bronze and silver and the majority are idiots who argue over game mechanics.
over 13 years
Been back for a while. Kinda lost interest in EM now.
over 13 years
back yet?
over 13 years
Forgot to tell you guys:

I'm in barcelona for spring break, so I won't be active on EM for about a week.
deletedover 13 years
Awh well good luck on the tests! <|:)
over 13 years
Well guys, couple announcements.
1) I'm not gonna be on much for the next two weeks or so given I got a paper and like 6 tests to finish up school
2) My band's cd just came out and should be on itunes soon. Go to ReverbNation/Almega if you wanna listen to it.
3) +K to all from 'classified'.
over 13 years
Eastern Time Master Race. But yeah, I had to pack for my spring break. I blame procrastination >.>
over 13 years
Sorry, I had to go to my brother's baseball game around 7, and forgot to tell you guys.

Next time, just play without me.
over 13 years
i forgot lol. plus what timezone were we talking about im east coast of usa.
over 13 years
I was on and I didnt saw anyone around =\
deletedover 13 years
It just so happens that my internet decided to stop working yesterday and I just got it fixed. Sorry that I could not make it!
over 13 years
Friday at 7, I'll see if I can rent some computer space for that time.
over 13 years
YOur personal army, at your service.
over 13 years
also i can do friday at 7
over 13 years neg him neg him so hard and continue to neg him after that.
over 13 years
Friday at 7?

Probably able to make it.

If I can't, play without me.
deletedover 13 years
How about Friday around 7PM?
Darkhorse doesn't seem to be available on Friday though.
over 13 years
weird. I post something here yesturday รด.o. Anyway, like i said, im usually free friday's, like, all day long.
over 13 years
Right back at you. But yeah, I'd like to do a game before spring break since I wont be around to use my computer.
over 13 years
Why I must say, this is pretty awesome, +k for my new dark bros
deletedover 13 years
I found another dark that is interested in joining :D