The Dark Night


To turn everyone into a member of the Shadow realm, in addition to conquering Middle Earth in the name of Sauron, and recovering the Ring of Power. Along with w/e else we come up with along the way :-P........... P.S. Yay for Darkness! Theme Song:

over 13 years
Finally into silver yay!
over 13 years
Blarg. I forgot about the crappy limitations . . .
Revised: DLYV or Ultimate LynchMeNotHim
over 13 years
you can make those in bronze?
over 13 years
All Hail Discordia or Manhunt
over 13 years
LOBL adn back to basics
over 13 years
Guys, IF (a big one) i get in the top 3 of bronze, what setups would you suggest?
over 13 years
actually 2 ideas for tailor.
1. I just remembered it can be used to counter a guiser (shows the victim as the tailored role)
2. Cop gets an inno. Claims to the inno. Inno claims cop, gets tailored as cop, maf kills him, believes cop is dead. Cop claims later with guilties. Though this only works in a setup where cop reports are definitive, and there's no doc/bg to play defense. So almost never.
over 13 years
shhh. :-P and yes it's classified.
over 13 years
you have an alt?
over 13 years
correct and good question. I thought about that, though haven't made one yet given I'm currently out of new setup spots and my alt needs 1500 pts now to make setups > >
current idea is basically throw one (or 2 or 5) into third party brawl for more lulz.
outside of lulz though it has very little use.
over 13 years
DarkNazgul, you're pretty good at making setups. What is the purpose of the tailor and what type of setup would you make with it?
over 13 years
One does not simply BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ into Mordor!
over 13 years
Oh he meant to type steak.... It all makes sense now
over 13 years
lol you need to watch Two Towers again DH
over 13 years
Wait....that was a joke?
over 13 years
Darke, only if they're stuck in a stew. Though I prefer the steak like Darkh, though not if it's raw and wriggling.
over 13 years
Dark, I dont get your joke and therefore dont know if you got mine ~.~
over 13 years
only with setak
over 13 years
I assume everyone here also loves boiled and mashed potatoes?
over 13 years
what did you say...
deletedover 13 years
To Isengard!
over 13 years
....there goes Jf's ego....
over 13 years
Darkhorse you're the first one to talk about our family video, I almost forgot about that thing :l
over 13 years
Where are they taking the hobbits?
over 13 years
LMAO for the theme song.