
This means that I levity you, and also kittens.

~ If you wish to be an honorary member, inform us and we'll put you on the list, regardless of your current family!~

Honorary Members: anao, rory3000, awesumbear, GaryOak, clowny, SnowVillage, jetio4, GuiltyTownie/Whispy, Paris, spiderboom, Arrow, Christopherzilla, Weekay, jambecca, sonseray, puddiouddi, Tailfeathers, Jailfeathers, Tragedy, huntressGreenpaw, Rydia, RemiliaScarlet, VinylScratch, Talith, Genmnmnm, Asphyxialice, SakuyaIzayoi, Ferris2umi, Beanman, Aerosilia, Jashinist, Cayella, Mimichu, rainbow, all of GaryOak's alts, SlipKnot, xKandy, hotjacket, luvcheese, Zombifest, Gutfish, Natstar, Echos, Star, 123321qweewq, rikihero, kittymeowmeow, littlesishiyoko, reyjaikai, FireRed, rory3000, jimbei

Honorary Families: Detcetorp (Himeyasha's family) SPREAD THE LEVITY

over 11 years
Merry xmas eve!
over 11 years
hello everyone i love u
deletedover 11 years
I levity everyone in this family, and miss all of you <33333333333333333
over 11 years
and a family member pls thnx guyz uze r da best eva!!!!!!!
over 11 years
make me an honorary member pls
over 11 years
Levity puts the ILY in FAMILY
over 11 years
new icon!
over 11 years
this is indeed the best family
over 11 years
hi frands :)
over 11 years
hi everyone this is the best family
over 11 years
over 11 years
hello everyone
over 11 years
excellent role
over 11 years
Hello everyone
almost 12 years
almost 12 years
hi guys ilu
almost 12 years
http://www.epicmafia.com/game/1874008 Killer win from today =p
almost 12 years
a druidic goddess of love
almost 12 years
whos levity
almost 12 years
I'm always insulting people, but I do it out of love...