


In the beginning of time and space there existed two entities which were buried between the void.

The first was Mau.

The original Mau was the very epitome of power. Carved out of the light in the cosmos, Mau was born with the divine power to rule.

Yet there was another. For you cannot have light without darkness.

A darkness which sunk so deep that any who peered inside were lost forever.

This darkness created an envoy that would bear its power in an attempt to one day lay waste to the light. The darkness was given but one name.

The second void dweller, Djinn.

Mau and Djinn battled fiercely inside the void until time and space began to shake, rattle, and finally collapse from the force of their blows.

When they awoke, they were no longer within the void. But instead found themselves in a strange land covered in the light of a fiery ball in the sky.

Djinn, frightened by the light, fled underground where he would carve a world for himself, deep underneath the earth where the light could not penetrate. This underworld would be the home of the offspring of his darkness. The darkness offspring did not hold the same powers as he. Infuriated that he could not reproduce sufficient Djinn on his own, he tossed the failures away, shaming them for eternity.

These failures would later become known as Devils.

Yet the darkness spoke to Djinn, informing him that Djinn was too far away to draw any sufficient power from it. The darkness told the Djinn that he must bear children Djinn from other beings if they are to have sufficient strength enough to oppose Mau.

And bear children he did.

This was the birth of the Djinn clan.

Mau, amazed by the light surrounding him, wandered around the barren world. In his discoveries he saw animals, birds, dragons, fairies, etc.

Mau conversed with the newborn creatures and discovered he was on a land called earth. It was then the light came to Mau and warned him that the light was weakening and could no longer aid Mau in the battle against darkness.

If Mau wished for help, he would need to sire more warriors of light by himself. Light left Mau warning that Djinn was attempt to sire and army with the devils he created.

Mau began to sire his own clansman. Strong protectors who would battle the Djinn, and protect the earthland as its ruler.

This was the birth of the Mau clan.