No Avi Legion


We are United. We are One. We are No Avis.

Family Goals/Expectations:

  • Make clear the blatant No Avi racism throughout the site
  • Be blatantly intolerant of No Avi racism in game
  • Stand by all No Avis, no matter what their level of play is
  • Never report another no avi out of spite, instead tell him or her what they did wrong and help them to improve
  • Don't suck absolute wang at Mafia


Allies/Old family for some of us: Another solid No Avi Squad:

Currently Banned members:

WorkSucks | PottedStuff | PottedTheNoAvi

MIA members(RIP):

Hubotzi | Coll23

almost 8 years
kinda. some are banned, some are alts of mine/those banned
almost 8 years
is this family still active?
almost 8 years
RIP PottedStuff for like the 3rd time. Im around Pi bruh
almost 8 years
hi guys i would love to be a part of this... NOAVIS RULE #HALLOWEEN
deletedalmost 8 years

anyone still here
almost 8 years
i want family
deletedabout 8 years
could i join this family? i have 1000 points and dont completely suck at mafia (anymore)
about 8 years
I support this family wholeheartedly. You're the sane branch of the asylum that is epicmafia.
deletedabout 8 years
let's get back on the leaderboard ;3;

1) We need a new member with 500+ points
2) Play hard :P
over 8 years
I love you
over 8 years
down with noavs!
over 8 years
i recognise people here :o
over 8 years
ivn me
over 8 years
ignore starpunch i have no issue with noavis
deletedover 8 years
kek. if you wish
over 8 years
noavis are scums of earth that need to be entirely wiped off from the face of this planet.
Our leader,Orlandeu will gas you all and finish what Hitler started
visit my family and let's have a gang war if you dare
over 8 years
Attention fam, look at this .
over 8 years
off Badseed you avi scum
over 8 years
banned isn't banned? Also: Noavis suck
deletedover 8 years
I made it!!!
deletedover 8 years
Where's Denial????
deletedover 8 years
yeah Hubotzi is back
deletedover 8 years
Gooooo Coll23 <3
& Rip banned user Pottedstuff. We love you forever.
over 8 years
win one for us fam, you the mvp. <3
deletedover 8 years

Anyone else wanna trophy?