No Avi Legion


We are United. We are One. We are No Avis.

Family Goals/Expectations:

  • Make clear the blatant No Avi racism throughout the site
  • Be blatantly intolerant of No Avi racism in game
  • Stand by all No Avis, no matter what their level of play is
  • Never report another no avi out of spite, instead tell him or her what they did wrong and help them to improve
  • Don't suck absolute wang at Mafia


Allies/Old family for some of us: Another solid No Avi Squad:

Currently Banned members:

WorkSucks | PottedStuff | PottedTheNoAvi

MIA members(RIP):

Hubotzi | Coll23

deletedover 8 years
I am pretty sure Hubotzi is back
over 8 years
We may be introducing a new member, Irreverent (, to the family!

Please +K him and welcome him!
over 8 years
I'll try to trophy this round :/ Not doing so well though.
deletedover 8 years
Just earned scumhunter achievement after winning a comp game.

10/10 bois
over 8 years
Hey fam, are any of us working to get a trophy atm?
over 8 years
Love you Guy's
over 8 years
YES!!!!! best family ever. ty
over 8 years
hey.. let me in..
over 8 years
Hi, I'm leaving this family because Pamda is amazing. Bye I love you guys <3 .
over 8 years
why can't I join after hitting the 'accept' button
over 8 years
I like the noavis <3
over 8 years
W H O ' S - W A T C H I N G - T H I S - I N - F E B R U A R Y ?
over 8 years
Violence Against Giving Into Noavi Agenda! We Are V.A.G.I.N.A!

Death to No Avis!
over 8 years
I liked this family
deletedover 8 years
Ask our leader AKA Coca
over 8 years
how to join
over 8 years
AYY POTTED. And sup Linker!
over 8 years
what's up ? :)
over 8 years
Hi guys, just checking on you yo
over 8 years
You can remove me from the banned members list <3.
over 8 years
If he ever contacts me, I'll let you know.
over 8 years
so can someone tell me when potted gets unbanned
over 8 years
i say we petition that everytime someone tries to discriminate in game about us being noavis, it become automatic OGI.
Esp in cases of noavi policy, WE DO NOT HAVE TO STAND FOR THIS TYPE OF HATE.
deletedover 8 years
First requirement: Accept that noavis are not inferior. kek
deletedover 8 years
Ask the leader.