  • Visits one person every night.
  • If that person dies during that night, the Disguiser will steal his/her player identity.
  • Sided with the mafia.

In popular setups

Stalk, Disguise, And Sue played 17,225 times
Politics as Usual played 14,896 times
Lynch or be lynched (LOBL) played 8,766 times
Trust each other played 8,482 times
Sex and Lies played 5,369 times
Epicmafia's Favourite Four played 2,454 times
Politics as Usual Lite played 1,515 times
Your favourite setup played 1,398 times
Masquerade Ball played 1,228 times
A bullet hit your vest! played 1,227 times

Available Achievements

Guys, I'm so Obvious. (10)
You successfully disguised 2 times and did not die in the game!
almost 7 years
hello yes either sometimes or all the times guiser doesn't get proposal??
about 7 years
here to guise n1
over 9 years
fun fact: if you're guised and someone passes an anarchist bomb to you, it shows your real name. :v
over 9 years
The best guiser update: now while guising you leave your own will, while guised person's will appears when guiser gets lynched.
about 10 years
If the gdisguiser guises, the will should be the will they constructed. Ruins the game if the will is of the disguised person.
over 11 years
Buggiest role of all time <3
about 12 years
It should erase will after disguising.
over 12 years
I hate that you can't talk in maf meetings if you've guised.
over 12 years
Best maf role.

I named myself after it.
almost 13 years
This is the only mafia role I really like so far. So sneaky, and for some reason, it brings out my confidence.
almost 13 years
Guisers name shows up when given the bomb. The person s/he guised as should show, not the guiser xself.
over 13 years
guiser can guise as bomb if guiser gets doc saved and bomb is targeted dumbfuck
almost 14 years
Guiser CANNOT guise as bomb. ADD THAT SHIT IN!
almost 14 years
"If ya wanna find out whats behind these cold eyes, youll just have to blow your way through this disguise" -Pink Floyd
deletedalmost 14 years
No it can only guise once >.< but when they guise as somebody, that person hasn't guised yet.So they can guise again, because they are the new person. Seriously people.
almost 14 years
No frozeni. It's le bugged. You can guise as much as you want.
about 14 years
Yes it is true.
deletedabout 14 years
Why does this say disguiser can only guise once? It's not true.
over 14 years
Favriote role!:)
almost 15 years
guys has disg abilities changed? because i was in a game where i disguised twice.
almost 15 years
bestest role ever, I would have won all my guiser ranked games if it only depended on my guises, but you know the feeling when you get into an unlucky game and partners aren't who you'd like them to be
almost 15 years
I love guiseing as new players XD. as no one can guise test you or anything :D.
almost 15 years
I've got a game recorded on my profile in which i disguised FOUR times, no one ever catching on. It was amazingly epic, a really good time. Number one thing to remember is to not stick out, act natural, don't let your true self shine through. XD
deletedalmost 15 years
FAVORITE MAF ROLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
almost 15 years
What happened to multi guise? Best thing ever.