  • Visits two people every night.
  • Any person who visits one of those people will visit the other chosen person instead.
  • The Driver meeting's actions will not be on Watcher's report.
  • Dies if visited by a Drunk.
  • Sided with the mafia.

In popular setups

MG – GS Gauntlet played 5,329 times
A framed drunk driver played 1,871 times
Your favourite setup played 1,398 times
Driving As Usual played 740 times
CRAAAAAAZY TAXI! played 577 times
Cow Pants played 499 times
Watching The Dead played 326 times
Where's the Bread? played 265 times
Recklessness played 120 times
about 6 years
I like the idea of driver dying to drunk, but I don't think driver should have to die if not driving while visited by drunk.
about 9 years
I can confirm with TheOneAnon
about 9 years
If driver drives a town being masoned with themself (driver), the masons masoning driver die but driver becomes mason.
over 9 years
Special death message if anyone was wondering, "Driver, who was drunk and wasn't wearing a seatbelt, drove into a tree and died! Don't drink and drive!"
over 9 years
deletedover 9 years
if driver drives a ghoul with the mafia's kill, the ghoul won't kill whomever they targeted and will die
over 9 years
This role is weird x.x
over 10 years
I drive as well.
deletedover 10 years
I drive.
almost 11 years
Mechanics testing: If Driver is Drunked (not if it drives away drunking though), the Driver has a kill attempt made against it -- this is stopped by docs, vests, etc etc. A unique death message will be shown, and the driver's actions will not go through (due to drunk roleblock).
about 11 years
lol I was driver,I drived the kill towrads the janitor so the janitor killed himself and also janned himself xD
deletedover 11 years
Driver can make the Yak yak themselves, so be sure to communicate your roles to the team.
over 11 years
I hate when trolling partners drive kills onto you and your maf bros.
over 12 years
killing a loudmouth with a driver kill only reveals the driver...
deletedover 12 years
best role
almost 13 years
Random question about the role:

Let's say Player A is the yak and Player B is some poor townie. Yak yaks another player, C.

Driver drives A to B, will B get killed and A gets to live?
almost 14 years
doc is nothing with driver
almost 14 years
I like the part where I drivekill my fellow mafia
about 14 years
about 14 years
Wow, just read the wiki and you'll understand him. Driver is one of the strongest mafia roles out, and is a blast to play. He can drive around bg and doc protection, redirect kills, inspection results, and stir up trouble in the morning with claims of cops inspecting themselves and "why wasn't doc on cop u moron"
+K :)
deletedabout 14 years
Love this role
over 14 years
Terrible role, extremely prone to glitches and ruins games
over 14 years
My favourite mafia role too. Powerful if used correctly, as all roles should be. If abused, it will blow up in the mafia's faces.
deletedover 14 years
my favourite mafia role
almost 15 years
my favourite role <3