If there are 2 maf and 3 villagers (inc. GS), and GS guns villager #1, and maf kill villager #2, then it's 2 on 2, the next day and although maf have 50%, villager could shoot maf to make it 2 villager on 1 maf. I think that the game ends as soon as the maf kill villager #2 before the day starts. Might want to look into that.
In responce to the new rule that gunsmiths are only allowed to give out 1 gun each match: As far as the new gs update goes, i'm very disappointed. To change the power of a role in the middle of a round is very unfair. I don't really care whether the gunsmith gives unlimited guns or just 1; but setups have been made, and setups have been made ranked/competitive based on the old stats of the gunsmith. I hope gunsmiths are changed back to giving 1 gun a night so the current gunsmith setups do not become imbalanced. Perhaps a new role could be made with a nerfed version of gunsmiths, but changing a role after countless setups have been made based on it is unfair.