  • Visits one person every night.
  • That person gets an infection that converts them to a Zombie exactly one day later.
  • Doctors can kill Zombies by visiting them.
  • Immune to Drunk, Hooker, conversions, can be killed.
  • Survivors will be infected but will not become zombies.
  • Wins if everyone is either infected or zombified.
  • All Zombies will die if they try infecting a cult member

In popular setups

Gun Run Original played 175 times
Not Fancy Pants! played 144 times
about 13 years
Make it so they all have to vote for the same person at night however if the zombie leader dies then all the zombies don't die - to make it different from cult/mason however the fact doctor can heal infect people and that it takes longer to turn to zombie makes up for that.
about 13 years
If a doctor visits them, they turn into blue, not just die :)
about 13 years
The Infected person would not know they are infected.
about 13 years
It's ok. I generally don't like the alpha setup.
about 13 years
"because they are survivors"
about 13 years
wooo Zombie :]
about 13 years
Does the infected person know they are infected?
about 13 years
Uploaded a roleicon hope you like
about 13 years
That is like saying that the cult is like the mason and the mason is like the cult. This is here to give the Mason and Cult relationship a Rock,Paper, Scissors like effect.
about 13 years
So.... this is basically a cult or mason with a new name and slightly different perks. I think most of you like it just cause it's to do with the undead.
about 13 years
hell to the yes
about 13 years
zombies only survive two nights :P They can each vote one person to infect too.
about 13 years

Resident Evil 4...

about 13 years
Wow Great suggestions! I think how it would work is that if the Alpha zombie died then the other zombies would be unable to infect. I do like the idea then they get the chance to kill.

If they visit a doc then one zombie dies, otherwise Zombies wouldn't have a fighting chance in a zombie setup.
deletedabout 13 years
yay Zombie!!! :D btw make it if visits docs all zombies dies. not cult. doesnt makes sense.
deletedabout 13 years
Isn't it just a really weak cult?
deletedabout 13 years
Instead they kill when visiting if alpha is dead. Also if zombies don't convert/kill for two nights in a row they should die, due to starvation.
deletedabout 13 years
Do all zombies die if the alpha is killed? I think that they should survive but they should be unable to infect anymore.
about 13 years
I really liked some of your suggestions, but some of them would just complicate things. I do like the idea of Amnesiacs being unable to convert themselves into Zombies, it just wouldn't make any sense. As for the Samurai one it wouldn't work out because only the Alpha Zombie converts people the regular zombies don't pass the virus (unless people on here want to change it back to the regular layout that we had).

Keep the feedback coming, the more we get the more we can refine the role and get it on Epic Mafia!
about 13 years
My input:
This is an awesome role concept.
But there is a ridiculous amount of interaction that could be used here:
Mortician investigation can see through the zombie role.
Masons kill zombies just like cultists.
Samurai kills the first two zombies to vote for converting him, not just one.
Cult cannot make a zombie a cultist, but can re-align it to their side.
Warlock and Witch turn into Demons instead of zombies. Zombies that kill instead of converting.
Amnesiac cannot turn himself into a zombie. That would be just ridiculous.
Agent and Spy cannot contact the wandering dead.
If a hooker hooks a zombie, she becomes a zombie. (That's just what you get for f**king a brain-hungry monster.)
over 13 years
Haha that would be interesting Audacity, the Survivor being unable to be converted. As for the zombie hunter role I think we should get the zombie role in first before the zombie hunter role gets developed, if you want to make it though go for it!
deletedover 13 years
Survivor? Cannot be converted. They are the Survivor.
over 13 years
Maybe a zombie hunter counter class? It would work like cop, saying whether they're infected or not.
over 13 years
I really like your input DarkNazgul. Okay I am officially changing it where Shrinks cannot prevent the zombification process. Also the Alpha zombie is the only one who can infect people (this was how it was before) Also once someone is a Zombie all other conversions will not work (such as Yaks and Masons and etc.)
over 13 years
I would say:
Doc and cult kill zombies, Doc cures infected
Shrink does not prevent conversion
Zombies cannot be converted (they're dead it doesn't make sense)
Only Alpha turns zombies. (You could make it that visiting the alpha will infect you, but it shouldn't be true for betas)