  • Visits one person every night.
  • That person gets an infection that converts them to a Zombie exactly one day later.
  • Doctors can kill Zombies by visiting them.
  • Immune to Drunk, Hooker, conversions, can be killed.
  • Survivors will be infected but will not become zombies.
  • Wins if everyone is either infected or zombified.
  • All Zombies will die if they try infecting a cult member

In popular setups

Gun Run Original played 175 times
Not Fancy Pants! played 144 times
over 13 years
Yeah the only way to become a zombie is to be visited by the leader zombie not by being visited by one.
over 13 years
I think becoming a Zombie when visiting one is way too overpowered.
over 13 years
I think an interesting idea would be to make it that any visiting role that visits a Zombie becomes infected, except Cult and Doc who kill the Zombie.
over 13 years
I agree, shrinks shouldn't be able to stop zombification
over 13 years
Think of Zombies working in this way. The Alpha zombie kind of works on his own, sabotaging the town by turning people into zombies. The town will learn of the zombies and have to kill them or they will take over (or a night killing role will kill them). The Alpha Zombies job is to try and make it to the end, if they do then they win and all turned people also win (thought obviously with less points).

If people disagree with the Shrink being able to prevent zombification then I will take it out of the role.
over 13 years
Uh, that's retarded :v

Shrinks are psychiatrists. How exactly are they supposed to stop an infection?

And if the zombies are revealed, how are they supposed to win?
over 13 years
The description above is correct except Zombies now will not have a night meeting and all people who are turned to zombies are revealed to the town. Only the Alpha zombie can infect people. Also Shrinks can prevent Zombie infections with their meeting.
over 13 years
@ vulcan: OR CAN THEY?????????
over 13 years
Well the only thing I can reason for the Shrink stopping a Zombie infection would be just to keep in line with the Shrink's role. It could be changed so that they can't stop zombification though. As for a number days they can be alive, well the zombies in this would live till the end of the game and can be lynched and such like any other role. They win if they outnumber the living during the day.

Also something just donned on me, Yak's would not be allowed to convert a Zombie. I mean it wouldn't make any sense really.
over 13 years
How would a shrink prevent zombification? Counselors can't prevent the rise of the undead
over 13 years
Since zombies cannot live forever, will there be a certain amount of days allowed to live ? Good role, just needs a little adjustment.
over 13 years
Shrinks would be able to stop Zombie converts and Doctor's wouldn't cure Zombies, they would kill Zombies with their meeting. Also Doctor's would cure someone of an infected status.

It goes
Normal Person > Infected Person > Zombie
over 13 years
Shrinks can prevent Zombie converts right?
over 13 years
I don't like doctor being able to cure zombies. This isn't Final Fantasy, healing doesn't kill undead >_>

Either way, I think cult and mason are enough recruitment roles.
over 13 years
YESSSS I like this alot! I would want to be this every game :) and I like lightsources idea too
over 13 years
Hmm, I kind of like that idea of revealing the zombies. Would put pressure on both the Mafia and the Town to either fight against each other or fight to stop the Zombies from taking over.

It is up to you guys, do you think that would be a nice addition to the role?
over 13 years
Should reveal the zombies once they have been Zombified. This will make the role vastly different to cultists/masons and its not like a zombie would be able to hide himself. He stinks for one.

The alpha zombie is never revealed.
over 13 years
I know there are, but the reasoning behind this one is that first it tries to help balance out Cult and Mason games and then it also has a different recruitment system then the other roles where they only would get Zombies every other night. First the person is infected then they become a zombie.
over 13 years
I think there are enough 3rd party recruitment roles, but this seems interesting
over 13 years
Maybe it could also be adjusted where only the main zombie can infect people. That way if the main zombie is killed off it will give the town and Mafia another chance. All other zombies would have to work together to either joint with town or mafia.

Then again that might not work also, just throwing out different ideas.
over 13 years
Yes the Zombie can still be lynched and the reason behind the Cult killing all Zombies is because the Cult dabbles in Necromancy and Satanic Rituals and can kill zombies that way.
over 13 years
I like it. But getting killed from cult doesn't make any sense. I think the only 30% of getting someone infected is enough of a downside.
over 13 years
I don't get the cult part. Why would trying to infect cult kill a zombie?

Also, the zombie can still be lynched, non?
over 13 years
over 13 years
Before the amnesia that swept across EM there was an icon made for Zombie, but now it is forgotten. :( MJ Zombie would be pretty epic, but might make a few people angry.