  • Visits one person every night.
  • The next day, that person cannot hear town discussion.
  • Does not attend mafia meetings.
  • Sided with the mafia.

In popular setups

Yin Yang Chaos played 2,474 times
Darker than Black played 1,280 times
Speech is Golden played 162 times
Guncles Party played 147 times
Village Idiot played 122 times
MG – Grand Finale Loaded played 108 times

Available Achievements

Philharmonic (30)
You fiddled only power roles who were sided with the village through the entire game!
deletedover 13 years
over 13 years
Only be good if he can't see what they are voting for lol
deletedalmost 14 years
Black, what the hell are you smoking? This is a reverse silencer.. not a silencer.. >.>
almost 14 years
What a weirdo this guy must be. XD
almost 14 years
You could make this like a passing type of role where whoever is fiddled passes it to someone else at night.
almost 14 years
Whats the point of a silencer that doesnt silence.
almost 14 years
lol +1
almost 14 years
This is the best new role suggestion I've seen since they began adding new roles. :D
almost 14 years
I approve.
almost 14 years
Reverse silencer? BEAST.
almost 14 years
Stop fiddling with me! +'d
deletedalmost 14 years
Yeah, I like it a lot as well. Nice.
deletedalmost 14 years
@Memyself that is amazingly cool :D
almost 14 years
oh man this sounds awesome. plused hard
almost 14 years
The funniest thing that can happen: Cop with guilty gets fiddled and silenced the same night Leader dies.
almost 14 years
I like it. But it will suck to be fiddled and silenced. LMFAO
deletedalmost 14 years
I don't think it's too powerful. If a pr is fiddled they can still out their report and vote who they think is mafia. It could be really confusing for someone on 3 way lylo but that's part of the fun.
almost 14 years
So it's like a reverse silencer?

I'm not sure about it. Very nice role, but seems too powerful of a role.
almost 14 years
I like it. Fiddler seems an okay name, but a change might be in order.
deletedalmost 14 years
I actually love it
just thinking about person..
hello. hi? anyone here? what the hell? Why isn't anyone but me talking? there bubbles are going on.. what the fuck!?!?!?!!?! suicide.
deletedalmost 14 years
I am open for name suggestions. Also thanks for the support thesheep.
deletedalmost 14 years
@edark yes it is basically reverse silencer. But what's wrong with that? Interceptor is essentially reverse witch, Watcher is reverse Tracker, Hooker is reverse Drunk etc.
deletedalmost 14 years
I love it and +'d it but a name change may be in order
deletedalmost 14 years
I always assumed that prs went back home after they were done with their night action to sleep.

Who the hell stays up for 4 days straight?
almost 14 years
silencer but reverse, nah dont like it