  • Visits one person every night.
  • The next day, that person cannot hear town discussion.
  • Does not attend mafia meetings.
  • Sided with the mafia.

In popular setups

Yin Yang Chaos played 2,474 times
Darker than Black played 1,280 times
Speech is Golden played 162 times
Guncles Party played 147 times
Village Idiot played 122 times
MG – Grand Finale Loaded played 108 times

Available Achievements

Philharmonic (30)
You fiddled only power roles who were sided with the village through the entire game!
over 6 years
I wish it would tell you that you've been fiddled, first time I was fiddled with I thought the game had froze/broken! lol
over 9 years
Eliminate the role.
about 10 years
This role should not exist
almost 14 years
I prefer MMB's role icon. But other than that great role.
almost 14 years
This icon is good. Me's icon was better.
almost 14 years
I actually preferred MMB's icon.
almost 14 years
As much as you're gonna pay me in royalties for using my icon suggestion. ;)
deletedalmost 14 years
I like it!... but how much are you guys going to pay me in royalties for using me as a character? ;)
almost 14 years
I don't see why people are bitching about this being paired with silencer. Simple solution, just don't fucking play games with the both of them in it. Derp.
almost 14 years
fiddle yo dick
almost 14 years
PFFFT, but this is a silenced guy who CAN complain! Direct upgrade!
almost 14 years
I'm all for the 'no mafia meeting' part, that'd stop it from clearing people as he can fiddle his mafbros. The thing I like about this role is that it's harder to fake fiddled than it is to fake silenced, you'd have to pretend you don't know anything in future days, pretty coooool. +k, bro.
almost 14 years
Terrible role, this should not be added. Want to play a game of Chess? Okay, but you cannot look at the board and I am not telling you where any of my pieces are.
almost 14 years
Worst Role Ever. The sole purpose is to prevent scumhunting by the person who is fiddled. In combination with silencer they can practically cause a person to be a useless sheep all game. Do NOT create this.
almost 14 years
I don't like roles that halt interaction in the game like the silencer. It's no fun to be on the receiving end. Also, consider making it like the silencer in that it can silence mafia due to not being in the meeting. Otherwise anyone who is fiddled is automatically clear.
deletedalmost 14 years
I agree on this being overpowered. Maybe have them hear about 50% of them, in no particular order. Like a higher percent of whispers being leaked.
almost 14 years
I had a game glitch on me once, I could talk and my msgs were sent but I couldnt see any other messages

it was creepig
almost 14 years
Inverse Silencer? Silencer+Fiddler on same person= Epicness :D
almost 14 years
Once per night is a bit too powerful... but otherwise I like it
almost 14 years
It should be called the seducer. XDDDD
almost 14 years
No, this is too strong.
deletedalmost 14 years
By that logic silencer should be removed. This will not happen because the silencer is a good role and so is this
deletedalmost 14 years
Terrible idea. Goes against the spirit of the game.
deletedalmost 14 years
lol how is it overpowered? just say "oh shit nigga im fiddled as fuck"
almost 14 years
It seems slightly OPed IMO.