  • If no lynching, chooses one target at the end of the day.
  • The target will be visited by the Interrogator and jailed at night.
  • The target will be immune to night actions (except driving).
  • The target cannot do any action except write a will.
  • The Interrogator and the target can converse at night.
  • The Interrogator's identity is not revealed to the target.
  • The Interrogator can choose to kill the jailed person. Counts as a visit which can be role blocked.
  • Does not attend mafia meetings.
  • Sided with the mafia.

In popular setups

Courtroom played 479 times
Thiefster Multi played 203 times
Jailer vs Gator played 195 times
Disorganized Crime played 136 times
almost 7 years
I think it'd be interesting if jailer and interrogator could be in the same meeting.
over 9 years
If Jailor and Interrogator vote the same person, the Jailor gets to Jail while the Gator just gets an "end meeting" button.
about 12 years
I found a glitch...? If gator jails granny and tries to kill, gator dies but granny doesn't. WAT
almost 13 years
If everyone votes themselves, he can not jail. Have a nice day.
almost 13 years
This is one of my favourite roles xD Thanks for making it.
over 13 years
TL;DR: Drunk 2.0
over 13 years
lol that icon was originally for a role named executioner. I figured it kinda worked for Interrogator that's why I uploaded it. The other one was because I thought the axe was too much after I uploaded it. Sorry it looks like SM dungeon master.

I'll start posting icons on an Alt if you think there is favoritism.
deletedover 13 years
I actually like this idea a lot.
over 13 years
I think either rename it to Executioner or change the icon to a more jailer-y one.
over 13 years
The second one of hime (without the battleaxe) pretty fits the role !
over 13 years
LMFAO @ Winter, i kinda agree with that anyway.
over 13 years
I have a strong feeling that he chose this icon simply because Himeyasha made it. Himeyasha makes some really good icons but sometimes Himeyasha's icons aren't the best. For example, this icon would be a perfect role icon for an Executioner role, but for this's weird.
over 13 years
uhm, lucid, its supposed to be an interrogator not some executioner escaped from some deranged S&M rape dungeon
deletedover 13 years
Holy shit, that icon sucks.
deletedover 13 years
Thank GOD Epic did not win. But yeah, Lucid's choice sucks ass. An interrogator with a god damn battleaxe makes zero sense.
over 13 years
Congratulations to the winner. Glad it's not Riddler even if he builds nice icons. I've learnt somethin here with my first icon challenging: like in politics, all is fair to win. I'll remember this.
over 13 years
I think this role icon that lucid chose looks like an executioner (he should have chose Himeyasha's other one over this one, imho) but oh well, he picked Himeyasha's icon over everybody else's again lol.
deletedover 13 years
"some people i met. AKA - you mass spammed randoms, like me. It doesn't matter, because not only is your icon a shittier version of Bi's, Lucid doesn't select the winner by upvotes (as you've been told several times).

Now stop shitting your huggies. It's laughable because not only are you a whiny cunt, you're hypocritical as fuck about "winning' in an "honest" way.
over 13 years
No i asked my friends to support it and some people i met, you were the lil part who were completely butthurt about that idea. But it's cool.
deletedover 13 years
Shut the fuck up, Epic. You're the one who went around mass spamming people to vote for your shitty icon. Maybe it backfired and they negged it instead - I know that I did.
over 13 years
Anyway thanks for the information MeMyselfandBi.
over 13 years
over 13 years
@EpicSides It doesn't really matter. Karma isn't usually connotative of which one is picked. Lucid seems to just pick his favorite. Don't worry.
over 13 years
They can't win fairly so they have to cheat. I hate those kind of people so far.