I'm not the real cookie....I'm not changing my username..I just like it. So here is a few things about me...
I over-analyze everything to death.
> Examples:Cliches, such as kill high points("HE'S NOT DEAD AND HE HAS 20,000! MUST BE MAFIA") Why me=Fry me. ("HE SAID IT, MUST BE MAFIA!")
I usually say the word "ok" at the start of d1. I don't know why, but I do. Don't judge me on it.
> Examples:Most of my games.
I only add people who I trust...and people who are really cool.
>Example:My friends.
But enough of that... If you see something I did you likes, give me karma.
If you see something I did you didn't like, give me a karma.
If you see something I wrote, give me a karma.
If you see me, give me a karma.
If you can see, give me a karma.
I like karma!
I also love programming in java... I am working on some projects now...here is a list.
> 1.Mushroom Life game with adjustable conditions. > > 2.Making a program that takes 3 pictures and uses them to make a 3d image.
If you want to submit a project idea, send me a message or comment below with the beginning PROJECT:
Guise tests....when I say ok during the beginning of the game, who is the character in my image, and stuff near that.
Have fun! Oh any if you see me, say P COOKIE! And I'll say whaaat? And give you karma!
I love getting messages in my inbox.