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sundays are fun days.

deletedalmost 11 years

sundays are for having fun. make sure you make today a fun day.

about 9 years
well, considering it's a monday, i would definitely say it's a bad sunday
deletedabout 9 years
Are you having a bad Sunday so far?
about 9 years
no it's monday idiot
deletedabout 9 years
It's Sunday.
about 9 years

Gira says

harley says

this isnt a fun day

actually it is, because its sunday

i said that because i was having a bad day and i felt bad so i was saying that today wasnt a fun day but ok.
deletedabout 9 years
"Mea anima est te." woke up to this and was like well OK?
about 9 years

harley says

this isnt a fun day

actually it is, because its sunday
about 9 years
i thought it was saturday, god dam
about 9 years
this isnt a fun day
deletedover 9 years
good sunday, celebrated my bday early with friends
deletedover 9 years
Sunday again, whiskey on the rocks
over 9 years
this is a good sunday. this sunday will be hard to beat.
over 9 years
Today was a lazy day
deletedover 9 years
fking great Sunday i'm off to drink
over 9 years
we missed a sunday, oh my god..
deletedover 9 years
its Tuesday????
over 9 years
we did it boys. sunday has been saved
over 9 years
sundays are fun days.781
deleted18mon 19d+3

sundays are for having fun. make sure you make today a fun day.
over 9 years
Not sunday today, but you can make anyday a funday. Even better with funbags.
over 9 years
Happy Sunday~
over 9 years
i woke up at noon and made bacon and eggs
over 9 years
my new room is dope
over 9 years
best day
deletedover 9 years
people are having difficulties telling the difference between sunday and monday. we really are in the dark age of sundays.
over 9 years
i thought it was monday