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sundays are fun days.

deletedalmost 11 years

sundays are for having fun. make sure you make today a fun day.

deletedover 9 years
today is dolly the sheep's birthday. but more importantly, it's sunday.
deletedover 9 years
sunday funday
over 9 years

Retoree says

Sunday sucks.

yes i agree
deletedover 9 years
Sunday sucks.
deletedover 9 years
Sunday sucks.
over 9 years
ok it's sunday now
deletedover 9 years
Another Sunday comes to pass.
over 9 years
God Bless
deletedover 9 years
first sunday post
over 9 years
it's not sunday yet
deletedover 9 years
i feel like a bag of bricks fell on my head, then someone picked it up and hit me with it.
deletedover 9 years
happy fathers day, but more importantly, happy sunday.
deletedover 9 years
Happy Father's Day from America
over 9 years
what a lackluster sunday
deletedover 9 years
Today suxxxxx.
over 9 years
It's a day where nobody is posting in a thread
over 9 years
hello and welcome to sunday
over 9 years

Sims says

today is a good day

Been up all night on Pokemon showdown. Good sleeping day
over 9 years
today is a good day
deletedover 9 years

Connor says

it's sunday here

epicmafia runs on eastern standard time
deletedover 9 years
over 9 years
i leave for bermuda on sunday
over 9 years
it's sunday here
deletedover 9 years
almost sunday now
deletedover 9 years
happy flag day, and more importantly, happy sunday.