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sundays are fun days.

deletedalmost 11 years

sundays are for having fun. make sure you make today a fun day.

over 9 years
Party at my place.
over 9 years

bell says

shark tank sunday

satan sunday
deletedover 9 years
shark tank sunday
deletedover 9 years

BiIIStickers says

Today Kyle will rise from his grave

And on the Third Day, jaded ex-detective Kyle Hyde rose from the grave, and hammered the hooker in lylo.
deletedover 9 years
Today Kyle will rise from his grave
deletedover 9 years
Just another Sunday..
almost 10 years
Sunday feels really dull today.
deletedalmost 10 years
Kyle if you're out there and you can see this, your EpicMafia friends miss you. Come home safe.
deletedalmost 10 years
He's absolutely here, it's Kyle
deletedalmost 10 years
It's Sunday again, and Kyle's not here to enjoy it with us...
deletedalmost 10 years

Hibiki says

hello sunday

halo \o
deletedalmost 10 years
Sundays are dundays
deletedalmost 10 years
sundays are dead to me.
almost 10 years
hello sunday
deletedalmost 10 years
deletedalmost 10 years

should've known.
deletedalmost 10 years

Slow says

ScubaSteve says

It's that special day again, folks..

deletedalmost 10 years
did you here the word? god renewed earth for a whole new season of sundays.
deletedalmost 10 years
deletedalmost 10 years

ScubaSteve says

It's that special day again, folks..

deletedalmost 10 years
It's that special day again, folks..
deletedalmost 10 years
yup they really are.
deletedalmost 10 years
sundays are when my mom take me to russian church

so more liie OH GOD HELPdays

otherdays are fundays
almost 10 years
actually, they are not, not, not.
deletedalmost 10 years
it may be cold outside, but sundays are always hot, hot, hot.