i can't browse tumblr right now because of korra spoilers. also i slept at a normal time
deletedabout 10 years
i was listening to something really good and then there was a beat that sounded like dubstep and my night was f u c k i n g ruined and yes i will dodge the censor to express how mad i am
i also rediscovered comiket and all the good circles ive been missing out on
I'm an insomniac. Once I can no longer bear to stay awake in bed, I turn to the internet and, occasionally, epicmafia. Hello, fellow non-sleepers. How are your nights going?
starting to regret this "staying up" notion. i have things to do this weekend and in this barely-awake-yet-can't-sleep-state i don't see myself being very productive. then when i finally crash i'll sleep half of the weekend away. very troublesome