deleted about 10 years
i vegged in a game where dave strider was mafia
nevermind, i was beaten to it. i regret making that post
Renaldo says I regret: - shaving my head do you, though?
i feel happy and energetic again
after the 5th time i just gave up league of legends
Harrold doesnt get the struggle of trying to get gold
Harrold says xela says Never got gold on league of legends. Really? Gold is cakewalk. Literally every time I've reached silver 1 promos to get into gold I end up with a gold V player who wants to experiment a new role
deleted about 10 years
Renaldo says good thing wine doesn't need to be chilled franzia, nectar of the almighty
deleted about 10 years
xela says Never got gold on league of legends. Really? Gold is cakewalk.
Not back in time to play when Riot was running.
i regret the fart i just did. phooooooey
i will snap u guys my pho
back in 'nam i had some pretty tight pho that is not a regret. i regret not spending more time in vietnam
its okay though because pho!!!!
i got out of bed to get pho and it's rainy and theres no parking
im rly depressed i dont want to go to work just to bed and cry
regret not acquiring wine
good thing wine doesn't need to be chilled
I'm starting this essay at a point in the evening I'd rather nap and I forgot to put the Dr. Pepper in the fridge so now I have no caffeine
Saw a girl watching the first jj abrams star trek movie alone and but I didn't bother talking to her because I was only home for a weekend and visiting old highschool friends. My middleschool english teachers all told me I had an amazing story I should expand and write to publish, I played habbo instead. I never got a gold trax machine on habbo. Moved to kentucky. Older brother disowned me over a videogame. Ex became an alchoholic and gave up her med school dreams. Never got gold on league of legends. I can't speak fluent spanish yet. I slept all day. edit: i still regret these so fu
Renaldo says - never asking her to dance oh god the feels are coming back to me
No Melody you're not going to find an excuse not to try crab with me sorry!
gennehfarrxD says Renaldo says sometimes I wish I had crisp lettuce, Jen. Don't you hate when you go to a mexican restaurant and the lettuce on your tacos is yellow and wilty? vegetables that have seen better days are usually not what I like eating.
currently wondering if this mechanical keyboard was #worthit.