Jasprar: For your convenience, the sexual harassment accusation takes place on page 25
deletedabout 10 years
https://epicmafia.com/score/alltime woah who is that guy at the top of the most decorated players list? You're telling me he was an admin? Did he mod cheaters?
solaster gave zovea a vio for calling me , so she'll always be my favorite mod.
deletedabout 10 years
The current mod team is an issue, but remodding more vets with their own motives is not a solution at all. It needs to be rebuilt from scratch, with brand new mods, and a reset to 2011. Jasper should essentially get rid of 90% of his mod team, and replace them with brand new mods. There'd be teething issues, but the current issues are so ingrained and that's been caused by mods past and present.
No one ever blamed the admin for anything with sachy, as opposed to every other admin. Solaster was the only one that had better reviews so to speak
Nikki PE both inactive Laexio forum stuff Riot self explanatory Bronto too nice and the whole thing with setups Vancy lack of de moderating Jasprar now
You know it's weird but I was totally satisfied with the Mangofruits/Rondar/Projectmatt era. Never did I once feel compelled to make a thread like this. Maybe, just maybe, it is actually the staffs fault and not the userbase?
counterpoint: triaft was a mod during that time
only towards the end. mango had already left.
I was a mod during this era. lol
deletedabout 10 years
Most of it is just chatter. Jasper's probably never going to be able to read through all of it since so much deviates from the original point.
I think page 25 and the pastebin which he has probably already seen are more than enough
i am willing to sit down and talk with phil about why he doesn't like me. i have no issues with phil and i think we can sort it out.
deletedabout 10 years
jasper needs an experienced + well respected player to be at the helm with him otherwise people are just going to take his inexperience even if unwarranted to stress and jeopardize his position
it's exactly the same thing that happened with vancy
deletedabout 10 years
jasper needs an experienced + well respected player to be at the helm with him otherwise people are just going to take his inexperience even if unwarranted to stress and jeopardize his position
it's exactly the same thing that happened with vancy
no one who fits this criteria wants to work with phil, sorry
deletedabout 10 years
jasper needs an experienced + well respected player to be at the helm with him otherwise people are just going to take his inexperience even if unwarranted to stress and jeopardize his position
it's exactly the same thing that happened with vancy
jasper needs an experienced + well respected player to be at the helm with him otherwise people are just going to take his inexperience even if unwarranted to stress and jeopardize his position
it's exactly the same thing that happened with vancy
admin me
deletedabout 10 years
Idk, this thread is 78 pages long. This is some pretty severe scrutiny.
deletedabout 10 years
nikos bailed both times he was admin.
deletedabout 10 years
jasper needs an experienced + well respected player to be at the helm with him otherwise people are just going to take his inexperience even if unwarranted to stress and jeopardize his position
it's exactly the same thing that happened with vancy
And the site was most stable with sachy era actually.
deletedabout 10 years
you probably want to mod again
glass houses, friend.
deletedabout 10 years
trying to pretend that there's ever been an era in which the mods weren't under the same kind of scrutiny that's happening in this topic is revisionist history at its finest
You know it's weird but I was totally satisfied with the Mangofruits/Rondar/Projectmatt era. Never did I once feel compelled to make a thread like this. Maybe, just maybe, it is actually the staffs fault and not the userbase?