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Whatever you want

about 10 years

Happy New Years to whoever wants to be Happy New Year'd :D I'm doing this again because I want you all to be happy and not so sad and frustrated with EM. :[ So come here to take a break. AMA, a very bad (very) drawing, a song that reminds me of you, a poem, 3 wonderful things about you, literally anything. I'm here for you. :D

gosh charli is so pretty...

almost 9 years

ling says

Yea I too would love to go for like 3 years with one hug to spur me on

shut up again
about 10 years

Lashka says

I'll make a socialist out of you one day, Carly. Thank u!!

deletedabout 10 years
I'll make a socialist out of you one day, Carly. Thank u!!
deletedabout 10 years

During the Arcbell adminship I was sooo frustrated with you for not leaving because you were the only column holding him up.

arcbell said he was going to demod ucklar anyway. lol
about 10 years
I am not a joke person reallyyy...
about 10 years

Ahh! Okay, I'll be honest with you, my opinion of you has changed tonssss since the last time you were modded. During the Arcbell adminship I was sooo frustrated with you for not leaving because you were the only column holding him up. I got really frustrated with you during that time, didn't always agree with you closing reports for not being done correctly, and etc.. That was my previous mod opinion. This past time as mod, I found you to be the mod I most closely agreed with and found myself needing your mod opinion a lot. Despite the times where I disagreed with you as mod, I still thought you were a cool guy. (Freaking don't steal MY allstar game from me though!) ;( You're pretty reserved--one of the most reserved people on this site, imo. But you'd go out of your way to do things for your friends, I think, and you're pretty smart too. I think your future holds a lot of promise and I think our backgrounds are a bit similar, too. You were -super- kind to me while I was a mod, and I really do appreciate it. I'm really glad I got to see that side of you, really glad.
deletedabout 10 years
tell me the funniest joke you know.
about 10 years
Ah okay I am so late!!!


OK, I think you were the best admin of all the time I was a moderator in the sense that the least mistakes (imo) were made. I wasn't a mod during Sachy or Laexio's adminship, so idk, but I did enjoy being a mod under you because I thought you were firm while also being friendly. The only thing that ever frustrated me was one time when there was a GT thread about hipfiring that was clearly getting out of hand and, like, I kept wishing you would just post a final "sorry but this is how we're doing it" post. You had posted once about it and I knew what you meant, but the mods still kept fighting over it and it was driving me crazy ._. So there is my opinion on you as admin, never knew you as a mod. You're one of the best mafia players imo and you're a really good friend to me, you've offered to help me countless times and idk, it was really sweet of you. Your background is like a book and, like I've told you before, I could so write a book just out of what has happened in your life. :P This makes you a very interesting person to me. I'm going to be vague with the next opinion: sometimes I SO wish I could get you to think like me on outside-EM things. Like, I just think it would be so cool to agree on political & etc. stuff, if I could only someday present you a logical enough argument to convince you. I really, really want to convince you someday. It's like one of my goals! Hmm. You are prone to drama like most people on EM and enjoy it whenever you can. You sometimes act out of turn and I think it is superrr hard for you to admit when you've done something wrong--it's just part of your personality. Hmm. Yeah. Any other opinions you want?
about 10 years

Lashka says

Give me your opinions, all of them!!

about 10 years
Give yourself an opinion :p
about 10 years

AregVrt says

That was so cool, what can I do for you?

Nothing :) And Mika I will get to you soon.
deletedabout 10 years

That was so cool, what can I do for you?
about 10 years
Did I get carried away, Areg? Truth is I could've made the story way longer with all kinds of different substories. :3
about 10 years
AregVrt would then make his way in and shoot the Chromonster's head and heart. In a few days, the contraption was ready, the Chromonster still pouring down the stinging rain--which had already killed some animals from the pain of the sting. They set up the trap and as the Chromonster swooped down to rain, he hit head first into the iron bars of the net and flinched backwards as the net snapped back on him and fell to the ground. As soon as it hit, AregVrt came and shot the heart of the monster, but as soon as he did so, rays of light shone out from it blinding AregVrt. The monster had perished from the single blow and color began to fade from the world. Eventually, only the red color of the monster's heart could be seen. Though the monster was killed, it zapped all color but the red from the world and that color which can be seen in gunfire. AregVrt became a hero, but scientists in the world have been testing the Chromonster's body in hundreds of ways to see how they could bring color back to their world. The end.
about 10 years
AregVrt lived in a strange world where there was no color--it was black and white--with the exception of things on fire. Color was only seen when someone shot a gun, fired a cannon, lit a firework, etc. How did it begin? Well, AregVrt is a hero. One day, his lands did have color just like our normal world. But alas, the world was overtaken by a slithering monster that lived underground most times. He had all the colors of the rainbow shining on his slimy, scaly skin and his life was vital for colors be seen by the VRT people above. The monster was normally content with its underground life, but an earthquake had hit and cracked his lairs below. Light shone in from above and the monster was awakened most disturbingly. AregVrt was the leader of this other world, and it was his job to protect the people from the monster. The monster was called the Chromonster and, when awakened, it shot into the sky and rained color drops which stung like bee stings without being poisonous. AregVrt had to think quickly on how to attack this monster as he hurried his people to hiding and safety. He used an army plane of a very small and speedy sort to fly high above and chase the Chromonster. Speeding through clouds and sky, the Chromonster was too fast. Chasing would not help. AregVrt had the genious idea of spreading a net that could catch him, but it had to be built with a very strong metal. They would cover it in an invisible paint (this other world had so many unusual items, you see). The net had the ability to close itself in on its prey by a snap.
deletedabout 10 years
Meidoy, I don't want to rush you, but I am waiting for my story.

(╯╰) plz
about 10 years

appleofmyeye says

Charli is pretty but marina is prettier

What do you think of me? Do I have Carly's approval?

YAS you're amazing and like the perfect match for Matthew. You both have beautiful music tastes and I think that allows you two to really gel. But beyond that, tastes in books and movies as well as you both having (in my opinion) similar backgrounds is just, well, meant to be. I shipped you two before you two were a thing ok shh. I can't wait to see how you two grow, especially in your religious beliefs, by being able to connect with each other. I pray for you guys a lot and hope that God brings you closer together [distance wise] soon! Or at least allows you two to see each other better. I'm very happy for you two :D
deletedabout 10 years
But does she approve of me for Matt? :3

(I ship carthew)
deletedabout 10 years
carly approves of all that is not a very good question
deletedabout 10 years
Charli is pretty but marina is prettier

What do you think of me? Do I have Carly's approval?
deletedabout 10 years
Moustache-free :'(
deletedabout 10 years
Give me your opinions, all of them!!
deletedabout 10 years

MeIody says

AregVrt says

Me :D

What would you like, Mr. AregVrt?

Write a story about me :D
about 10 years

AregVrt says

Me :D

What would you like, Mr. AregVrt?
deletedabout 10 years
Me :D