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Whatever you want

about 10 years

Happy New Years to whoever wants to be Happy New Year'd :D I'm doing this again because I want you all to be happy and not so sad and frustrated with EM. :[ So come here to take a break. AMA, a very bad (very) drawing, a song that reminds me of you, a poem, 3 wonderful things about you, literally anything. I'm here for you. :D

gosh charli is so pretty...

deletedabout 10 years
what if i want something you cant give me. what if i want to get better at edgeguarding
deletedabout 10 years
Wow thakn you
about 10 years

MeIody says


I negged this post then realized it's bronze.

Yeah that's about right.
about 10 years

deletedabout 10 years
Whatever I want
deletedabout 10 years
I'll take that song. Oh, and the three things would be nice. Is that considered cheating? ;)

Happy New Year =)
about 10 years

Nonon says

oh my gosh all I have ever known is a lie...

No but really it's still nice of her to do! She didn't have to. So : )
about 10 years

Mm alright :3 I don't know you terribly well, but from what I do know, you are a good mafia player when you try, are cute/sweet, and you're an all around friendly person. You're also fun to be around because you're always up for games. :3 So yeah, I'm glad you're back on EM. ^_^
about 10 years

Empire says

Also to give you something in return you have good taste in music, I love Lights and her acoustic album is awesome.

ty :3

Jackattack 1. Sporty 2. Pretty fun to debate with 3. Kind, esp to caro
deletedabout 10 years

MeIody says

Nonon says

Miki says

Rondar says

hey carly actually i'd like to know what you find most annoying/unlikable about me

this pls

nothing my dear

Omg Miki I am so sorry, I forgot your post. Connor is right, nothing. You're very friendly and selfless, you go out of your way to be kind to others (will always remember the game where you gave me stickers and you didn't even know me!) You stick up for your friends (thank you so much) and you are one of the peaceful EMers who we need so so desperately. :(!

to be fair she had infinite tokens at the time. so she gave out stickers like they were nothing, because they were nothing
deletedabout 10 years
Also to give you something in return you have good taste in music, I love Lights and her acoustic album is awesome.
about 10 years
Yeah charli xcx is very pretty, you can just say one nice thing about me i guess
about 10 years
hi carly what do u think of me
about 10 years

Nonon says

Miki says

Rondar says

hey carly actually i'd like to know what you find most annoying/unlikable about me

this pls

nothing my dear

Omg Miki I am so sorry, I forgot your post. Connor is right, nothing. You're very friendly and selfless, you go out of your way to be kind to others (will always remember the game where you gave me stickers and you didn't even know me!) You stick up for your friends (thank you so much) and you are one of the peaceful EMers who we need so so desperately. :(!
about 10 years
Oh okay ^_^
deletedabout 10 years

MeIody says

Slow says

no, i just mean they make a cute couple and make each other happy.

And Steven + I don't make a cute couple and make each other happy


i don't think you two are that cute.
about 10 years
aw, your wonderful thread died.
about 10 years

Slow says

no, i just mean they make a cute couple and make each other happy.

And Steven + I don't make a cute couple and make each other happy

deletedabout 10 years
no, i just mean they make a cute couple and make each other happy.
about 10 years
@Vigo he meant before Kerry met. And before we met. Before Kerry and Dave met, he thought the were cute. He simply did not before we met. :( Just goes to show we can surprise people. :D
about 10 years
Thank you very very much Carly. I appreciate it a lot; you're very positive influence and a great friend!
about 10 years

MeIody says

Slow says

Vigoroth says

Slow says

i'm glad dave and kerry are happy. i've alwasy thought they were tolerable as far as edating couples go. everyone else sucks though.

Excuse me?

you heard me, friend.

We aren't edating because we've met. Silly Vigoroth o:

But then Dave and Kerry aren't either o:
about 10 years

Jill says

Carly tell me something I don't know about me

You would make a good figure skater if you practiced and started younger :)
about 10 years

Slow says

Vigoroth says

Slow says

i'm glad dave and kerry are happy. i've alwasy thought they were tolerable as far as edating couples go. everyone else sucks though.

Excuse me?

you heard me, friend.

We aren't edating because we've met. Silly Vigoroth o:
about 10 years
Carly tell me something I don't know about me