Nicole- I want to get to know you a lot more. But from what I can tell, we are INSANELY alike. We both want to make people happy and help other people that are going through the same as us, but we're both struggling. You go out of your way to help people and I appreciate that a lot. I know it's hard, and sometimes emotions get derailed and you don't know what to do, but I promise things will be okay. Just hang in there. Also, you're incredibly sweet and although you're younger than me and a Lord of the Rings nerd we can be insanely good friends.
Matt- You have a kind heart and you're very open and innocent, I appreciate that a lot
i know, i could have made some gosh darn guacamole before they REPLY
deletedalmost 10 years
why are yall slow at replying
deletedalmost 10 years
Nicole- Rutab, oh Rutab. I love you so much. You're like a brother to me, and I really miss talking to you. I've always liked you, honestly. I wish we talked more because you're so great and sincere and just friggin' awesome. I remember when you told me you were going on a date and I was so happy for you and proud and it just made me genuinely happy, idk. I miss you a lot and I hate that Get Slayed kinda slipped apart. PLEASE PM ME SOON, I MISS YOU NICK!!!!!
Matt- Rutab, you're a super sincere and kind guy and I appreciate how dedicated you are to your friends. I think that sometimes you fall into the typical teenage pitfalls (like needing a girlfriend hugely, typical drama etc etc) but you're still a super sweet guy and you mean well.
100% honest opinion, as ruthless as possible. No holds barred
Matt -You know, we've always had a weird friendship. I talk to you and think you're cool, and then the next day I'm like, "wow, why am I friends with such a jerk who makes fun of my friends?". The thing is, you're not the villain that you pretend to be. You're also not a bad person, even though you give your best efforts to be so. I think that you're a smart dude that has encountered many unfortunate circumstances that partially has led you to appear so jaded and cynical on the forums. You're clearly an empathetic person, though. Stop having such a hard shell, dude. You and I both know that a lot of the persona that you give off on the forums isn't indicative of who you actually are. You have a rather edged personality, but you take it to an extreme here.
Nicole - Sonseray, you're really funny at times and I know pjm respects you a lot, so I like you. I think you put up a really big front most of the time and there's something a lot deeper that you don't let on, and it sometimes comes off as hurtful or mean. I think you're a really emotional person but your sarcasm and humor overrides it out of fear of being rejected. Also, I ship Pronseray.
deletedalmost 10 years
everyone on this site craves opinions from others. that's not a good thing fyi
Lighten up, Pseudo-Freud.
deletedalmost 10 years
everyone on this site craves opinions from others. that's not a good thing fyi
deletedalmost 10 years
If projectmatt skips the others and does mine first I'll skip to him on my thread!
deletedalmost 10 years
How long have u guys been together o_o
8 long, grueling months.
deletedalmost 10 years
Pjm? What is that?
@1$0 hello
pjm is not a person or a place, but instead a state of mind reflected in our own internal beings