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ask me (us) anything

deletedalmost 10 years

and by us I mean Arianna and me

or just post for an opinion


deletedalmost 10 years

kittykeri says

opinion on zelda

I think I've watched other people play it and it looked really fun but I never got a turn..........
deletedalmost 10 years

Satan says

should i go to my 9am class tomorrow, since it is my only class and spring break starts right after

Yes, I think you should.
almost 10 years

Jackhammer says

apeescaper says

opinion me

hi you're a great dude and i wish we spoke more again

deletedalmost 10 years
Opinion Me
deletedalmost 10 years

wakemeupxo says

should I finish the bag of peppermint patties or naw?

I think you should save them for later.
deletedalmost 10 years

apeescaper says

opinion me

hi you're a great dude and i wish we spoke more again
deletedalmost 10 years

CaeruleumDea says

me donner une opinion, s'il vous plaƮt

Sorry, I skipped this I didn't even see it! I don't really know you very well but I think you're really nice and helpful. I've heard more about you than I actually know and all I've heard about you are nice things so I'd really like to get closer with you. :)
almost 10 years
opinion me
deletedalmost 10 years

NicoIe says

id love an opinion

also, favorite thing about each other?

I'll write my favorite thing again because frankly I'm not lazy like Basil! My favorite thing(s) is that he is kind and patient towards everyone.

You're one of my favorite people to actually pay attention to because psychologically you're really really complex and honestly I'm just realizing this now, but I always try to understand why you do the things you do and say the things you do and you really fascinate me as a person. You're probably the most caring person I've ever met and you're super fricking cute and I love the heck out of you. I know we haven't been super close lately but even so I know that if I was going through something right now you would be right here for me. I admire you a lot and look up to you. I value what we have a lot. <3
deletedalmost 10 years

Satan says

should i get dominos pizza or chinese food

def pizza
deletedalmost 10 years

kittykeri says

opinion on cheese

i don't like cheese unless it's on pizza or some sorts of pasta
deletedalmost 10 years

kittykeri says

opinion on salt& vinegar chips

idk they taste just like pickle chips to me but i love those so ya i think they're decent
deletedalmost 10 years

CaeruleumDea says

I finally woke up after passing out, are you proud of me, Baahsil?

can i be proud 2 please
deletedalmost 10 years

CaeruleumDea says


the heck is that lol
deletedalmost 10 years

MeIody says

I would not like an opinion but I would like to know
1. favorite thing about each other
2. the silliest things you have said to each other
3. you favorite memory together

o: go!!!

1 - he's patient and kind with everyone but lol i noticed something today when he's insulted he nonchalantly says "hm" like wtf r u doing stand up for urself smh
2 - um i was trying to tell a fricking story today and he kept jumping in the middle of like every sentence i was like wtf ???? so i told him to "k now keep shutting up" and idk that sounds weird when i say it outloud
3 - um i think we r gonna make a new one rn bc i'm making him watch doctor who with me ??? but i also really liked having his account idk if that counts
deletedalmost 10 years

Sonrio says

i love arianna

i love sonrio
deletedalmost 10 years

im taking applicants if anyone would like to join my precious family

together we will defeat the jackhammers of the world... one basil at a time
deletedalmost 10 years

Shamzy says

Jackhammer says

Shamzy says

are you my friend?

it is I, Jackhammer, friend to all

which means yes i am your friend

Was that a reference to something? The way you structured that sentence...

just say no if its not

no that's just me trying to sound lame as per usual, carry on
almost 10 years

Jackhammer says

Shamzy says

are you my friend?

it is I, Jackhammer, friend to all

which means yes i am your friend

Was that a reference to something? The way you structured that sentence...

just say no if its not
deletedalmost 10 years

CaeruleumDea says

Tea or Coffee

coffee DUH
deletedalmost 10 years

NicoIe says




almost 10 years
Tea or Coffee
deletedalmost 10 years

Shamzy says

are you my friend?

it is I, Jackhammer, friend to all

which means yes i am your friend
deletedalmost 10 years

CaeruleumDea says

Favorite color, animal, type of houses, season, food types?

Aqua/Autumn Orange, snakes/sharks/cats, idk tbh anything big and spacey, i've only ever experienced summer but i bet spring would be my favorite, and i eat all food
deletedalmost 10 years

LetMeSleepxo says

why did you refuse my friendship? :(

did i? aw i didn't mean to i'm sorry