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ask me (us) anything

deletedalmost 10 years

and by us I mean Arianna and me

or just post for an opinion


deletedalmost 10 years



almost 10 years
are you my friend?
almost 10 years
why did you refuse my friendship? :(
almost 10 years
Favorite color, animal, type of houses, season, food types?
deletedalmost 10 years

wakemeupxo says

Opinion on Kanye West and Kim K

deletedalmost 10 years

NicoIe says

Jackhammer says

NicoIe says

id love an opinion

also, favorite thing about each other?

favorite thing about each other has been asked thrice, might want to look back

opinion: you're like a sister to me. we have known each other for so long it feels insane and though we kind of did drift away recently only to get back to talking to each other again (which made me extremely overjoyed), you have a really special place in my heart and I probably won't ever forget you

probably? PROBABLY?

worded incorrectly

more than likely

ok also worded incorrectly

screw it just remove probably thats much more accurate
almost 10 years

CaeruleumDea says

Jackhammer says

Satan says

should i go to my 9am class tomorrow, since it is my only class and spring break starts right after


no, spend the night playing games with me

ok i will jackhammer my dude thank you for your esteemed opinion.

and sea goddess, i wish i could do such a thing...but i am an old man. so even if i did not have a class tomorrow that would probably not happen
deletedalmost 10 years

kittykeri says

opinion on zelda

you know how much i love zelda
almost 10 years
Opinion on Kanye West and Kim K
deletedalmost 10 years

Jackhammer says

NicoIe says

id love an opinion

also, favorite thing about each other?

favorite thing about each other has been asked thrice, might want to look back

opinion: you're like a sister to me. we have known each other for so long it feels insane and though we kind of did drift away recently only to get back to talking to each other again (which made me extremely overjoyed), you have a really special place in my heart and I probably won't ever forget you

probably? PROBABLY?
deletedalmost 10 years
opinion on zelda
almost 10 years

Jackhammer says

Satan says

should i go to my 9am class tomorrow, since it is my only class and spring break starts right after


no, spend the night playing games with me
deletedalmost 10 years

Satan says

should i go to my 9am class tomorrow, since it is my only class and spring break starts right after

deletedalmost 10 years

CaeruleumDea says

juvenile delinquent

deletedalmost 10 years

wakemeupxo says

should I finish the bag of peppermint patties or naw?

nope send them over to saudi arabia for me please
deletedalmost 10 years

NicoIe says

id love an opinion

also, favorite thing about each other?

favorite thing about each other has been asked thrice, might want to look back

opinion: you're like a sister to me. we have known each other for so long it feels insane and though we kind of did drift away recently only to get back to talking to each other again (which made me extremely overjoyed), you have a really special place in my heart and I probably won't ever forget you
almost 10 years
juvenile delinquent
almost 10 years
should i go to my 9am class tomorrow, since it is my only class and spring break starts right after
almost 10 years
repulsive rectangle
almost 10 years
should I finish the bag of peppermint patties or naw?
deletedalmost 10 years

CaeruleumDea says

me donner une opinion, s'il vous plaƮt

you know I have a really really high opinion of you. You're one of the most mature, down-to-earth and fantastic people I've gotten to know and I'm really full of respect for you. You're really fun to converse with and your sleepcycle makes it easier to chat (WHICH IS A BAD THING)

I will refrain from going on because you'll just call me "too nice" or "disgusting rectangle" or whatever
almost 10 years

Jackhammer says

Satan says

should i get dominos pizza or chinese food

really really difficult question

i am in the mood for chinese tho so go for that

ok follow up question: dominos knows where my street is, while the chinese place might not.
deletedalmost 10 years
id love an opinion

also, favorite thing about each other?
deletedalmost 10 years
i had to. pizza is the best and im pizza queen
almost 10 years

kittykeri says

Satan says

should i get dominos pizza or chinese food


this isn't kittykeri, arianna and jackhammer's AMA thread, this is jackhammer and arianna's AMA thread