jazz bar - Harrold other live music venue / basement club - Jasprar sushi bar - genneh german beer hall - Goodbar wine bar - dezeriae, ladynemesis and runwithfire
When someone says "politics", what's the first thing that pops to mind?
deletedalmost 10 years
I think you were born in the wrong country, man. You'd put most of us Brits to shame with your love for tea. It's a really strong quality to look after yourself by dietary intake.
I know what you mean about the coffee though, when I was a bit younger I had to detox myself from the stuff because it was getting a bit too intense at times.
Do you have any plans to go abroad any time soon? If so, any kind of long term plans in motion?
EDIT: I just remembered that you're thinking about heading off West, so I'd assume that last question is kinda irrelevant.
Pretty much purely dietary. I walked about two miles every day for school, but I had been doing that consistently for over a year when i started drinking tea regularly.
It was mostly a matter of portioning more so than anything else. I seriously think tea helped improve my digestion and helped me burn more fat. It still does.
deletedalmost 10 years
Both I guess.
if i was meeting people individually, it'd really depend on the kind of place. Sorry if that seems like I'm dodging the question.
You can pick the place, time, activity and whether or not you're planning on getting actionated later that night.
I started drinking green tea when I was around 15 years old and lost 40 pounds in about a year. I made other dietary changes as well, but I credit the tea with kickstarting it.
Was that purely from dietary changes, or did you increase your activity level as well?
Coffee is the juggernaut of the caffeinated drinks.
Good tea starts with good leaves and proper storage. Having high quality water and brewing at the right temperature can make a huge difference too, as well as the pot that it's in (clay, porcelain, cast iron, etc.).
I became a tea man because I wanted to lose weight, and had heard that green tea could boost metabolism. I started drinking green tea when I was around 15 years old and lost 40 pounds in about a year. I made other dietary changes as well, but I credit the tea with kickstarting it.
I don't have a problem with coffee, in fact I do really enjoy darker roasts black. I also really like Vietnamese Coffee with condensed milk as a changeup from the norm. My only issue is that coffee makes me tweak out a bit since it's such a heavy caffeine rush for me (Every cup of green tea has about 1/4 the amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee, probably less when compared to dark stuff)
Depends on the kind of place, but if we're doing a boy's night out type of thing at a jazz bar - me, you, harrold and jasper would have a good time I'm sure.
if i was meeting people individually, it'd really depend on the kind of place. Sorry if that seems like I'm dodging the question.
deletedalmost 10 years
Okay Dan.
What makes a good tea?
Why are you a tea man and not a coffee man?
What's your damn problem with coffee?
Coffee is the juggernaut of the caffeinated drinks.
Yo Daniel. Figured it would be fitting to address my first post to you.
Firstly, when you gonna ditch Bernin and find a real man?
Secondly, top 5 most influential hip hop albums and why.
Welcome back man. I'm honored.
I've been straight edge for over a month in hopes he'll love me back, actually.
That's a great question and I'll have to write it up more thoroughly later when I'm not at work. And by influential, do you mean to the genre as a whole or just to myself?
@Jazz, yeah, I need to. We'll see what happens. Don't want to get stuck paying for it if I'm not going to stay at Granny's too long.
@Connor, you know where to find me - I'll be home this weekend if you want to chat over skype or something. Kinda wish I saw what questions you asked though.