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Dear Epic Mafia Players I am ABC

deletedalmost 10 years

Yes, the legend is true, abc does exist, this is a new account, I have been unbanned and I will make sure everyone's gonna pay for their actions. Of course those of you who did nothing wrong, I am sorry, but you will be collateral victims in this duel between me and the corrupted community of this site.

For those of you who do not know me I have been banned in the past for numerous times and I kept coming back having different nicknames. I have messed up with the "site's authorities" modded and demodded people but I did it for a reason, I did it because I got punished for something I had not done. I had to avenge myself so that's the way I do it.

Do not worry, everything's gonna end in the near future at my earliest convenience. I have once hacked the site I can do that again and a dark era will fall upon the site. The end is gonna be painful for those who once betrayed me.

I know, you might believe this is unreal. I will tell you the truth. I created an account called xxxx_xxxxxx in November 2013. Since that moment I kept playing with you guys having a new identity, a new one, a clean one. I know it's ironic but many of you were friendly with me, not knowing the truth and I still have respect for the most of you. I am not gonna name them obviously, but I just want to know that I am sorry, I might have been a bad person, I might have been a burden for the site itself but the sooner it ends the better for everyone. Lucid, I cannot say apologize to you; despite saying that "you're very wise" , your own words, you did nothing to unban me so I won't show any lenience to you. I have some of you on skype, I have joined a League of Legends EM group on skype, those people are lovely, I joined it in December just after the Christmas holidays. I just want to point out that EM community is great to a certain extent, but there are people who destroy it, both willingly and unwillingly.

This is what's going to happen. In a very few short days site is gonna lose its ads AGAIN and I will make it happen and lucid can pay the bills if he wants his beloved site to exist. I will demod and mod people and unban every single person that's currently banned and remove all violations on every account. I know it sounds fancy, but it's extremely easy; as an admin you have the power to delete everything that's game-related (not everything, bust most of the content) by simply clicking a button.

And just so you know guys, pranay7744 the one and only currently has a percentage of the site. Did anyone ever ask himself why that guy is still unbanned. He keeps being offensive towards people and encourages rulebreaking in his own manner BUT STILL he is unbanned. THAT'S WHY.

Truth be told, one of the current moderators unbanned me and I will show him some gratitude. Do not worry guys, if you want your site back pay for it, better said lucid, you're the one who's gonna pay for BOTH YOUR ACTIONS AND DOMAIN OF THIS SITE.

I will probably banned in a few moments again but next time I'll come back it's gonna be the last time you heard of me. That's gonna be my glorious retreat.

almost 10 years

Rutab says

caroline says

Rutab says

Also @PJM, you and apple mean well, but you have to understand that she pooped up and there's nothing stopping these people from saying what they want, and your -10's won't change it

The best thing for you to do is not interfere with it, just let it happen, i think you're making it worse for yourselves by having any interference at all

Really ignorant post considering the snide remarks actually hurt Nicole's feelings. They can keep any rude remarks they have on the situation between themselves and not make it public for everyone to see and laugh at. Whether you agreed with nicole actions or not, her feelings DO matter considering they have been hurt by everyone's attacking comments

Not ignorant if you remember that this is EpicMafia, and most people don't really care about what's rude and what isn't

This isn't a justification for rude behavior.
deletedalmost 10 years
Satan, I am not saying this is right at all, I am saying this is EpicMafia and most people here really don't care

You can't control that
deletedalmost 10 years

caroline says

Bill I don't go out of my way to make fun of people for my own enjoyment unlike you. Some people deserve the comments I've made and I don't regret them

do you really not understand the cognitive dissonance required to make a statement like "i only make fun of people that i abstractly define as deserving it"
almost 10 years

Rutab says

caroline says

Rutab says

Also @PJM, you and apple mean well, but you have to understand that she pooped up and there's nothing stopping these people from saying what they want, and your -10's won't change it

The best thing for you to do is not interfere with it, just let it happen, i think you're making it worse for yourselves by having any interference at all

Really ignorant post considering the snide remarks actually hurt Nicole's feelings. They can keep any rude remarks they have on the situation between themselves and not make it public for everyone to see and laugh at. Whether you agreed with nicole actions or not, her feelings DO matter considering they have been hurt by everyone's attacking comments

Not ignorant if you remember that this is EpicMafia, and most people don't really care about what's rude and what isn't

Man, I'm pretty sure we discussed this kind of thing at length over Skype last year, rutab. Didn't something happen to a friend of yours due to cyber bullying?
deletedalmost 10 years
hey guys, i know you're talking about this report that arcbell did, but remember that one time 3 years ago that I, of all people, did a similar report?
deletedalmost 10 years
This is terrifying. I made most of my friends on this site. Without it I am not sure where I would be.
deletedalmost 10 years
Bill I don't go out of my way to make fun of people for my own enjoyment unlike you. Some people deserve the comments I've made and I don't regret them
deletedalmost 10 years
This situation isn't any different from any uncalled for lore about other users, and just because it's about one of our friends doesn't mean it's any different from degrading anyone else

This happens all the time, and you just kind of have to let it run its course

Obviously I am not agreeing with it, but I think you get what I mean
deletedalmost 10 years

Rutab says

caroline says

Rutab says

Also @PJM, you and apple mean well, but you have to understand that she pooped up and there's nothing stopping these people from saying what they want, and your -10's won't change it

The best thing for you to do is not interfere with it, just let it happen, i think you're making it worse for yourselves by having any interference at all

Really ignorant post considering the snide remarks actually hurt Nicole's feelings. They can keep any rude remarks they have on the situation between themselves and not make it public for everyone to see and laugh at. Whether you agreed with nicole actions or not, her feelings DO matter considering they have been hurt by everyone's attacking comments

Not ignorant if you remember that this is EpicMafia, and most people don't really care about what's rude and what isn't

I sure don't. Care, that is.
deletedalmost 10 years
Time to jump on teh party. There's a new term rolling about, folks, and I'm gonna make sure I damn well use it, whether or not it's appropriate
deletedalmost 10 years
shivv's topic got derailed by the cakerz post. nice.
deletedalmost 10 years

caroline says

Rutab says

Also @PJM, you and apple mean well, but you have to understand that she pooped up and there's nothing stopping these people from saying what they want, and your -10's won't change it

The best thing for you to do is not interfere with it, just let it happen, i think you're making it worse for yourselves by having any interference at all

Really ignorant post considering the snide remarks actually hurt Nicole's feelings. They can keep any rude remarks they have on the situation between themselves and not make it public for everyone to see and laugh at. Whether you agreed with nicole actions or not, her feelings DO matter considering they have been hurt by everyone's attacking comments

Not ignorant if you remember that this is EpicMafia, and most people don't really care about what's rude and what isn't
deletedalmost 10 years

caroline says

Rutab says

Also @PJM, you and apple mean well, but you have to understand that she pooped up and there's nothing stopping these people from saying what they want, and your -10's won't change it

The best thing for you to do is not interfere with it, just let it happen, i think you're making it worse for yourselves by having any interference at all

Really ignorant post considering the snide remarks actually hurt Nicole's feelings. They can keep any rude remarks they have on the situation between themselves and not make it public for everyone to see and laugh at. Whether you agreed with nicole actions or not, her feelings DO matter considering they have been hurt by everyone's attacking comments

caroline you make rude comments about almost every other person on this website, and you do it frequently
almost 10 years
4 accouns v -10 neg would have still been the same post id have made, satan O_o
almost 10 years
I think Alex knows exactly what's he's talking about tho
deletedalmost 10 years
You can tell this is fake because if you go on his profile it says he played a game as hunter and won about a month ago so he wasn't "unbanned" so this is either abc on a different account or more likely a troll seeking attention
deletedalmost 10 years

Rutab says

Also @PJM, you and apple mean well, but you have to understand that she pooped up and there's nothing stopping these people from saying what they want, and your -10's won't change it

The best thing for you to do is not interfere with it, just let it happen, i think you're making it worse for yourselves by having any interference at all

Really ignorant post considering the snide remarks actually hurt Nicole's feelings. They can keep any rude remarks they have on the situation between themselves and not make it public for everyone to see and laugh at. Whether you agreed with nicole actions or not, her feelings DO matter considering they have been hurt by everyone's attacking comments
deletedalmost 10 years

Connor says

failing to see which of riotkiller's flaws apply here

pj could arguably be doing a riotkiller by saying that he knows stuff he cant post in public
almost 10 years

Connor says

Satan says

Miki says

Aura says

2 accs v -10 neg

do the math pls pj

HAHAHAHA KERRY ACTUALLY UN-NEGGED TWO of her accounts "enamored" and "aura" to try and disprove pjm's pretty on point post. hahaha that is actually hilarious.

no one is pretending they weren't there, friend. i told her to remove the uneccesary ones

Sorry connor, it's cool of you to tell her to remove the unnecessary ones, but from her posts saying "2accs v -10 neg" and "do the math" it kind of points out that he was wrong and she was right, which initially, was wrong.
almost 10 years
Not everything's about u dude
almost 10 years

BiIIStickers says

projectmatt says

BiIIStickers says

projectmatt says

BiIIStickers says

projectmatt says

BiIIStickers says

pj needs to accept that some lore cannot be kept under wraps, especially lore that is in every single epicmafia user's pm inbox

I really don't mind the "lore" existing, although I think that it is incredibly morally bankrupt to still give someone grief for something incessantly especially after seeing the effect that it has on that person.

no one is giving her grief dude. you're reading this entire situation wrong

you of all people should know that if i wanted to give her grief i'd be, yknow, actually giving her grief.

You aren't, but Connor, Kerry, Sims etc etc have definitely been intentionally taking shots at her in pretty much every viable situation in spite of knowing exactly the impact that it was having on her.

i really think this is a misrepresentation of the situation and the persecution complex is uncalled for. no one's trying to hurt her, dude.

I think that you're not intentionally trying to be offensive or rude, but you're misunderstanding the situation because you don't know the full context. That's a thing for PM's though.

whether that's true or not, my point about shacky connor and kerry still stands

Mm well my point about shacky, connor, kerry etc etc is in light of being aware of the full context of the situation. I'm pretty sure that they realize what they are doing but again, I would rather explain the full situation in private than in public
deletedalmost 10 years
this year's epic mafia prom theme is anime, for the fourth year in a row
deletedalmost 10 years
I am often psychologically traumatized by epicmafia potshots taken at me by EM prom royalty Connor and Kerry
almost 10 years
failing to see which of riotkiller's flaws apply here
almost 10 years
IMO, riotkiller complex