
in love with 
part of  family

Begone, foul miscreation!                                                           

i'm no longer a part of the epicmafia community reach out to me as an individual if you want if we're not friends, feel free to try, but i'll probably ignore you i chose a long time ago to release this site's burden on my mind

as for the rest of this horrid place, just don't come anywhere fucking near me



deletedalmost 10 years
You suck
about 10 years
Why did you break my heart?
because u broke my fingers
anonymousabout 10 years
Your avi so cute, I lurve it!
SAME but i dont feel like it personifies me well. just rly cute
anonymousabout 10 years
in general im not a fan of you but "waht teh frick" on the forums made me laugh harder than anything has in a really long time so thanks <3
what the fuck. that was a serious post. fuck you
about 10 years
cry about anon hate? have some more: you're a shitty SJW and a tumblrina. :)


10 / 10Scumhunter
17 / 20Super Sleuth!
9 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
6 / 20Do No Harm
5 / 25Eye of the Beholder
over 6 years
over 7 years
ur the best
almost 8 years
May I have coins so I can buy the thing that makes it more likely for me to be blue?
about 8 years
over 8 years
your age is 2 years behind smh
over 8 years
connor confirmed abc. see 2:09
deletedover 8 years
Me and Marc Rutzoi.
almost 9 years
almost 9 years
if tom cruise was a reporter would he be called tom news
almost 9 years
if tom cruise forgot to set his alarm clock would he be tom snooze?
almost 9 years
if tom cruise had to make a decision would his name be tom bruise?
about 9 years
for someone who doesn't like kill la kill very much, you sure have a lot of dedication to it =p ps i really enjoyed it
over 9 years
no am no
over 9 years
Oh, okay. And I actually did lol. I just searched 'lucina', went to search settings and selected icons, and I saw it a little way down the page. I can link you to the search I used if you like.
over 9 years
Eeep I literally found this avatar in a google search the other day so I can change it if you want. Sorry if I'm stealing your trademark avatar or whatever. ;~;
almost 10 years
"Sword Art Online is the anime of the decade" - Bumpers, Friday 19th of June, TYOOL 2015
almost 10 years
ur teh big animefckerlord
almost 10 years
you've become teh anime
almost 10 years
jesus you're so IMMERSED in anime
almost 10 years
i hateyou