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ari's opinions

deletedabout 9 years


hi it me ari i couldn't remember the name of my last one so it has a new name also i made a new one because the last one is gone and i like doing this because it's fun

deletedabout 9 years
hi cindy here
deletedabout 9 years

Ivana says

hi it me ivana

If I were to describe you in one word it would definitely be caring. You are probably the most caring person I know and I think that sometimes that can actually work against your favor and frankly it's just sad. You aren't treated how you deserve and you honestly deserve the best. I really miss seeing you around all the time but I love seeing the things you post you have such a big heart and you are really kind to everyone. :))

You play really well in most challenges and socially you're really good when you try.
deletedabout 9 years

Bryyy says

helo m brY pls do me next

Hi Bryan, I am so genuinely happy to have you as a friend, you mean so much to me and I am so glad that we are still close. You watched Tangled with me the very first time I saw it!! We have been pals for quite a while now, probably a little over a year and I have to say all this time you have stayed my best pal forever. I remember when you would help me with my homework during the school year!! You are probably the sweetest person I have ever met and you always make me feel good. I honestly can't think of anything bad to say about you besides the fact that sometimes you can be a bit sensitive, which isn't even that bad of a thing most of the time besides when you get a bit defensive really quickly. Our friendship all in all doesn't have really any problems and you are so understanding with me and you have always been there for me so really I'd just like to say thank you. Thank you for everything you have done for me and thank you for still being here after all this time. :))

Game wise you're exceptionally fast at challenges even though you never play anymore. I remember when we used to play together. I don't think your social game is that great but that doesn't really matter because you're not here anymore anyway.
deletedabout 9 years

Sports123492 says

Me por favor

Hello, :)) I really don't know anything about you besides your name of course. We have never talked out side of game before but in game you're really friendly to everyone for the most part and you seem like you would be a nice friend to have and a nice person to have as company.
deletedabout 9 years
deletedabout 9 years

krista says


You're a very funny and bright person and I really enjoy talking with you and your company in games. I like getting snapchats from you so keep sending them. (especially the food ones lol!!!!) I remember when we first became friends and you were kristalenz and I was arianna123 lol!!! I remember you were kind of intimidating to me and whenever you would join games I would say hi to you anyway. After that I'm not sure what happened you probably stickered me or something and eventually we became friends with the same people and we considered ourself the Ishot twins!! Ever since then we have been really good friends despite us not talking all the time and I appreciate you very much. :))

Game wise you're pretty good at challenges and you know to ally the right people to get far into the game. The only bad thing is you usually can't stay for the full game anyway. :((
deletedabout 9 years

Porpoise98 says

O look it Ari hi Ari :)

Hi Porpoise, you're usually extremely sweet to me which I love lots because you're probably one of my favorite people to play with. :)) I've noticed you have an attitude with other people occasionally and in some way that's good because I can tell you aren't the kind of person who is going to let anyone walk over you and use you. I enjoy seeing you outside of this lobby too because you're just one of those people that's really upbeat and I'm pretty sure I talked to you about how many times a day I pee to you. :))

In game I think you're really good at most challenges that include typing but I don't really know much about your social game I think you have a decent social game at least because I see you go far in games often when you actually play.
deletedabout 9 years

uglyOS7 says

me pls

Hello! I don't think we have ever really talked properly one on one but I think you're really sweet in game and I like your taste in avatars. :))

I don't really know much about your game play but I'm pretty sure you're fairly good at challenges and you won a trophy so I guess your social game can't be too shabby either.
deletedabout 9 years
you got my opinion so its only fair that i get your opinion ^^
about 9 years
hi it me ivana
deletedabout 9 years

Sonata says

hi ari! c=

Hi Sonata!! <3 You're a very awesome person and really I can't think of anything bad to say about you besides that you're not around much which makes me really sad. :(( Otherwise you are very very smart and super sweet all the time and you always have been to me and treated me nothing less than a good person would and I really value that. Thank you for being my friend I really enjoy having you around. :)

Game wise you're extremely good at challenges but I'm not so sure about your social game I don't think I've ever seen you actually play your best, but you do have a lot of friends so that seems to help you a lot.
about 9 years
helo m brY pls do me next
about 9 years

Bryyy says

hi it me brY

helo m brY
about 9 years
hi it me brY
deletedabout 9 years

Serpinator1317 says

My Turn! :D

Hi Serpinator!! I actually don't know you that well and I don't think we have ever had a proper conversation but I think you seem like a nice person. :)
deletedabout 9 years

Goulding says

Arianna, listen to me. The human world-it’s a mess. Life under the sea is better than anything they got up there.

Hello, I've always considered you to be really nice and I think you have a really great and admirable attitude. I don't know if I will ever be able to trust you again, but I like you a lot and I think you're a good person. I'm glad you came clean with everyone and I think I like you a lot better as Goulding. :))

Regarding your game play I don't think you're that great at challenges but you do really well socially when you actually try and want to win.
deletedabout 9 years

Bgeas15 says

Gun Control

I consider you one of my closer friends in the lobby even if we don't exactly always get along and we have different senses of humor. I think you have a kind heart and I don't think you really ever have bad intentions you are just joking most of the time and maybe get a little carried away. One thing I've noticed about you is you're very arrogant which I can't say I like.

Your game play is fairly decent, you're really good at some challenges. You usually seem to be a pretty big target and I think that's because you ally more people than you should and people know that so they want to get you out sooner before you're an actual threat.
about 9 years
Me por favor
about 9 years
omaha is a female
about 9 years
about 9 years
O look it Ari hi Ari :)
about 9 years
me pls
about 9 years
She's terrible.
deletedabout 9 years

Omaha says

love me

We have never had a proper conversation but you seem quite nice and I have heard good things about you. OH YA AND YOU'RE REALLY FUNNY!!

Game wise I have played with you a few times but you haven't been around for awhile so I'm going to assume you're a good player.
deletedabout 9 years

Voice says


I don't really know you very well and we don't talk that well but I trust you a lot when it comes to advice and stuff so thank you for listening to my problems, lol. I think you're very intelligent and you're pretty funny. I think you can be really mean without meaning to so that's one flaw I've noticed. You're a good liar and that's one thing that bothers me.

You're probably one of the best players in the lobby, you notice patterns and you know how people think. You're exceedingly good at challenges also so that doesn't hurt.