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ari's opinions

deletedabout 9 years


hi it me ari i couldn't remember the name of my last one so it has a new name also i made a new one because the last one is gone and i like doing this because it's fun

about 9 years
hi ari! c=
about 9 years
My Turn! :D
deletedabout 9 years

evolpz says


Honestly you're one of my favorite people in the lobby and I think you are very very sweet. I like that you're always willing to help other people and I've never really seen you intentionally try to hurt someone's feelings before. I value as a friend even if we don't talk that often.

I think you play the game very smart and that you're very aware of the things going on in game. I can think of only one flaw in your game play and that's that you don't ally the right people. You're a really speedy typer so I've noticed that that helps you a lot in games.
deletedabout 9 years

Rehmix says


Personally I think you're really nice and I think it's really cute that you're getting married soon. I wish you very much luck with everything. One thing
I noticed is that you strike me as a very impatient person, but you were really eager to learn and I admired that. It brightens my mood to see you around sandbox and I hope you continue to play.

Considering how you play the game I'll be honest, I haven't really paid much attention.
deletedabout 9 years
Arianna, listen to me. The human world-it’s a mess. Life under the sea is better than anything they got up there.
about 9 years
Gun Control
deletedabout 9 years

mrfloatingman says

me xoxoxo. ♥

I've always considered us to be quite close friends and I've never really had any issues with you, so that's really nice. You were fun to be on call with! I really like allying you because you're loyal and that's something I love about people. I think you're really nice and funny, so don't ever change!

Game wise I'd say you're pretty good at challenges and you usually know who to work with.
about 9 years
love me
about 9 years
deletedabout 9 years

xSoniaNeverMindx says

Sure why not

Okay, when you first joined I really liked you and I considered us close friends but lately you've really been getting on my nerves. I think you have an abnormally large ego and you act like you're the boss of everyone and it really sets me on edge. You're not that nice to me anymore which is weird because I never did anything to you. Beside that you're pretty funny and you can be enjoyable to watch in game. I think you crave attention and that can get pretty annoying sometimes.

Game wise I think you're a decent player socially and strategically but you aren't very good at challenges. I think sometimes you have trouble having people vote your way because of the way you have played in the past so people have a hard time trusting you.
about 9 years
about 9 years

arioso says

debaser says

hi it me

I decided to do yours here because I figure if I keep putting it off I'll never get it done. Basically you're my favorite person in the whole wide world and I couldn't ever ask for a better best friend than you. I appreciate you above everyone else, you have done so so much for me. I remember when you did a whole project for me purely because I was "too lazy and too tired" to do it. I feel a bit like we became close at the exact right time because now we are best friends and we will be for a very very long time. We've had our differences but we always bounce back even closer friends than we were before. Almost every day I think about how amazing you are and how I wish I was more like you. You're a perfect human being and I hope to have you around for as long as you want to be. Thank you for doing all the things you have done for me I'll probably never forget them. I'd say my favorite memory we have had is when we watched the episode of doctor who when Amy and Rory leave and you knew about it before hand but then I just pretended that I trolled you and was like "Oh, btw I was just kidding, they end up fine." and then you believed me and then when they died you started freaking out!!! I value your friendship more than I ever thought I would. Anyway, thank you.

Player wise I've only seen you play the games that I have hosted and from those you're fairly good at challenges especially for never playing. ((:

aw aw aw aw this was incredibly sweet definitely made my day :) :)
deletedabout 9 years

debaser says

hi it me

I decided to do yours here because I figure if I keep putting it off I'll never get it done. Basically you're my favorite person in the whole wide world and I couldn't ever ask for a better best friend than you. I appreciate you above everyone else, you have done so so much for me. I remember when you did a whole project for me purely because I was "too lazy and too tired" to do it. I feel a bit like we became close at the exact right time because now we are best friends and we will be for a very very long time. We've had our differences but we always bounce back even closer friends than we were before. Almost every day I think about how amazing you are and how I wish I was more like you. You're a perfect human being and I hope to have you around for as long as you want to be. Thank you for doing all the things you have done for me I'll probably never forget them. I'd say my favorite memory we have had is when we watched the episode of doctor who when Amy and Rory leave and you knew about it before hand but then I just pretended that I trolled you and was like "Oh, btw I was just kidding, they end up fine." and then you believed me and then when they died you started freaking out!!! I value your friendship more than I ever thought I would. Anyway, thank you.

Player wise I've only seen you play the games that I have hosted and from those you're fairly good at challenges especially for never playing. ((:
about 9 years
deletedabout 9 years
me bbygurl!!
deletedabout 9 years

Happy0wns says


Okay, well first off we used to be pretty close and I considered you one of my best friends on epicmafia, since then we have distanced and we don't really talk at all anymore. You're a nice guy to those who deserve it which I appreciate but you can come off as rude intentional or not and sometimes you hurt my feelings. I enjoy playing with you but sometimes you make it hard because I can never tell if you're actually angry with me or not. I wish you would get on skype more and talk to me!!

Game wise you're super good at challenges and but you don't really talk to anyone from what I see and it doesn't seem like you care that much so that's good. I wish I was as good at challenges as you are.
deletedabout 9 years
me xoxoxo. ♥
deletedabout 9 years
I'll do the rest tomorrow.
deletedabout 9 years

debaser says

hi it me

I'm just gonna do yours in private because it's going to take a long time to write and so i'll just keep adding on to it as the days go by. :))
deletedabout 9 years

Savirino98 says

me 2 pls

I remember playing shot in the dark with you over a year ago already and I don't even remember what I thought of you but I know that ever since you've been hanging around. When you left I still thought back like "Where is Savirino98???". Glad to see you around more, and recently I think we've gotten quite a bit closer so that's nice. Thank you for counting when I have to go to the bathroom late at night. :)))

Your game play has improved a lot and you're really fun to watch. You suck at challenges, but that's okay because I do too.
about 9 years
Sure why not
deletedabout 9 years

annajane says

Me pls

At first I really liked you and I thought you were super sweet but that's probably because I have a soft side for new people. Disregarding this after you started catching on so quickly I obtained a growing dislike for you and I can't exactly put my finger on why. After I started getting to know you better I've really gotten to like you a lot you're super sweet like I perceived when I had first met you and you have a heart of gold. You're a super fun person to be on call with and you and your boyfriend crack me up all the time. I am so glad we have become friends because you are a very enjoyable person to talk to and you always try to include me in things which I value very much. Thank you for being my friend, I love you!!!

When you first started playing games I noticed how fast you actually caught on and I was really impressed. You're very good at challenges and you haven't even been here for that long. You make it far in almost every game you play, and you seem to know what's happening and when it's happening. You have caught on to the game very fast and I think you will end up being a really good player.
about 9 years
deletedabout 9 years

jbomber732 says

me plz

I can't say much about you, but I know that you receive a lot of rude comments that you do not deserve and I'm sorry on the behalf of everyone rude to you, including me. If i say mean things to you I'm usually just really annoyed and don't mean them. You're a quite nice person and you seem to have a nice attitude, you're humorous, light hearted and you seem like you would be a nice friend to have around.

I haven't payed much attention to your game play but I've noticed that you're quite talented at challenges and you have the potential of a good player.
about 9 years
hi it me