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Dean's Opinion.

deletedabout 9 years

Since everyone knows it matters. No bull crap, Ill be brutally honest 100%. And ill add a song too. Batter up i guess.

deletedabout 9 years
about 9 years
I mean if you really want to talk about me, I'm not going to stop you. I'm not a cop.

But ty for song
deletedabout 9 years
cole: you just want a song. That's a shame.
deletedabout 9 years
Juliana: Seriously we've known each other for like years and years. I think we haven't exactly talked? You've always been extremely friendly to me, and I at least hope I've been friendly to you lol. You're also smart too, we all know that. I'm honestly stumped on why we don't talk lol. We should though.

Song: You stumped me. It took like 15 minutes to think of a song for you.
deletedabout 9 years
CHAD!: i dont even know if you want one but, here it comes. Another very funny person. Once again a person that doesn't dislike me right off the bat, and also someone I can have interesting conversations with, which is amazing. You've also taught me a bit about computers, because honestly when it comes to these im pretty dumb, so it's nice. You're nice, you're great, just woo!

deletedabout 9 years
annajane: I don't know why we don't talk more. First of all, you're a baseball fan, and that's a huge plus in my book. Second of all, you don't like the yankees, and that's a bigger plus. You're also really nice and actually really funny. I don't know much about you though, which sucks.

deletedabout 9 years
Sav: you're friendly to everyone. Honestly (and I think you agree to a point) that this is your downfall. You also choose friends like Hitler chooses plans. Not very good. Seeing how Im one that's just proof :p. In all seriousness you are a good person. You need to be careful, being friendly to everyone makes people not trust you. I do trust you, and I know you have good intentions when you do things, but just be aware of that.

deletedabout 9 years
Eric: I swear to god 9/10 times i see you you are higher than a kite or saying something completely off topic. That's really it.
about 9 years
Just give me a song, no opinion. Pls.
deletedabout 9 years
BIG Z: Pretty cool.

In all seriousness Big Z you have turned into one of my closer friends. Im glad we are friends, and my knack for breaking Zach Bot when I cannot make anyone else ever laugh makes my ego inflate, so that's also an amazing thing. You're also one of the only people who didnt hate me off the bat, which is another good thing.

Song: you will understand right away
deletedabout 9 years
Ben: At first I didn't know if you liked me or not. Then I sorta had a realization and was like "oh sweet hell yeah he does". One of the greatest parts about you is that you speak your god damn mind. If something is bothering you, you tell them DIRECTLY. Instead of hiding and lying and other bs. Dude you're funny as hell too, and i enjoy spending time with you, even if you're lagging or im lagging, it's fun.

song: I just really want to post this and i think you will appreciate the humor. Don't look too far into it.
deletedabout 9 years
jbomber: you remind me of me a couple years ago. This is not a good thing. Calm yourself down, take some god damn adderall or something, because you take stuff serious. Also you need to stop and learn, instead of doing your way. It's called adapting.

deletedabout 9 years
Porp wants a song. got it.
deletedabout 9 years
Basil: Buddy. We've been through some....weird times. We literally became friends because we were chasing the same girl. What an odd world. We became even closer because music and movies. Although more music and less movies, but still. We've fought, and then we both kinda realize we each have a point. It's wonderful. You're good, and you're living an Eddie Murphy film in a couple days (Coming To America, hahahaha). Stop getting so god damn down on yourself you herb.

deletedabout 9 years
Chris: I can't find mine on you so ill write a legit one since you DELETED IT. Honestly I cannot tell if you like me or dislike me or what. I usually base how i treat people on if they like me or not. And you....I have not a clue how to talk to you or treat you. You seem friendly enough but then you get cold? Also all the teen girls i know fawn over how good looking you are, so if you need a posse of 15 year olds, i guess you have them. I just laugh because im sure you have no f'n clue of this. But I promise it's true.

Song: Im lazy to link a link, but you know what, listen to the theme of the Hurricane. Because stand back...there's a hurricane coming through.

MATTHEW: Matthew <3. One of the people who no matter what was always nice to me. Even when i was infamous fukboy AlexKapranos. Roro you have a knack for when you do pipe up to make us all laugh. You're funny, and it's great. You're nice, I've seen you too! I'm glad because not many people have :p. In all seriousness Matthew you are such a good and kind hearted person i love it. Maffew ur gr8.

Song: something that fits your personality perfectly
deletedabout 9 years
gdi im so lazy ill do it now
about 9 years
dean give some opinions you lazy mother trucker
about 9 years
hi dean!
about 9 years

dudeman1130 says

Savirino98 says

Savirino98 says

Savirino98 says

bumping (gonna do it again lol)

about 9 years

Savirino98 says

Savirino98 says

Savirino98 says

bumping (gonna do it again lol)

about 9 years

Savirino98 says

Savirino98 says

bumping (gonna do it again lol)

deletedabout 9 years

deandean says

I think we both kinda know we are hopeless romantics (yes you are don't deny it).

about 9 years

Savirino98 says

bumping (gonna do it again lol)

about 9 years
bumping (gonna do it again lol)
about 9 years
oh hi hi hi h