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Dean's Opinion.

deletedabout 9 years

Since everyone knows it matters. No bull crap, Ill be brutally honest 100%. And ill add a song too. Batter up i guess.

about 9 years
so, everyone else gets a legit response, and I get the ahole troll response.
about 9 years
holy crap dean lmao
deletedabout 9 years

caroline says

deandean says

Jackattack. Honestly one of the funniest people with a penchant for totally oversleeping the days we are supposed to meet on (richard).

bc i told him he cant meet u before me sry

Also since you dont want an opinion ill just skip everyone else for the moment and go straight to you.

Caroline: I barely know you. Like, ive known of you and probably played many games with you, but ive never really talked to you and that's a damn shame. To be quite honest you seem nice and you make Jack so happy, and i can't help but to be glad you two have each other, since you both make each other so happy. I haven't seen Jack go wild over someone like that since looking at photos of Margot Robbie a while back (which im sorry she's probably the best looking girl in the world right now *swoon*) All in all you seem great, so that's great, and you make Jack happy.

If I didn't do this song for you my Bostonian card would be revoked.
deletedabout 9 years

LelenasChild says

Dean I want an opinion please

I barely remember you, unless if you are an alt of someone im totally forgetting. im just being honest. If you're like ben then that's fdifferent lol.
deletedabout 9 years

caroline says

deandean says

Jackattack. Honestly one of the funniest people with a penchant for totally oversleeping the days we are supposed to meet on (richard).

bc i told him he cant meet u before me sry

Yeah. Thanks for that.
about 9 years
i here people.
about 9 years
about 9 years

Happy0wns says

evolpz says

Oh hey

go away you hate females

go away you here people
about 9 years
about 9 years

evolpz says

Oh hey

go away you hate females
about 9 years
Oh hey
about 9 years
about 9 years
YEs me plz,
deletedabout 9 years

deandean says

Jackattack. Honestly one of the funniest people with a penchant for totally oversleeping the days we are supposed to meet on (richard).

bc i told him he cant meet u before me sry
about 9 years
about 9 years
sure give me one also where have you been??
about 9 years
yes pls dean
about 9 years
so when did dean start doing opinions
about 9 years
Dean I want an opinion please
deletedabout 9 years
Chichi: Holy s*it buddy. Honestly one of my favorite people to screw around with, and someone i don't talk to nearly enough. Hell you liked me even when most people didn't like me. Honestly I should get to know you more, I don't know too much about you tbh. Although im always happy to see you.

As rememberance of what chi chi means.
deletedabout 9 years
Nikki: Gay

But also you are again one of the sweetest and kindest people i know. There really isnt anything bad i can think of. You don't get angry at me. You're nice and honest, which is something I value so much. Honestly idk why people give you so much crap, you're great. Wonderful idk i don't know that many adjectives and I don't want you thinking lowly of yourself because you can sometimes. I think we both kinda know we are hopeless romantics (yes you are don't deny it). Hey! Whatever floats the boat I guess?

deletedabout 9 years
Email: You are a god damn enigma. I have no clue. You Ethan are literally one of the more smarter people I know. Well, not smartest I guess, but you are very analytical, and you have a tendency to totally miss the obvious. THAT BEING SAID you are a curious fellow, and like to get to know people. You are the brain. You're smart. You're hella nice too, you dont really upset people. You just need to take a step back sometimes and look at the obvious. BUT you are still in my opinion the smartest person analytically that i know.

Song: I cant get a link, but Left Brain Right Brain from Bo Burnham.
about 9 years
Dean sucks tbqh
deletedabout 9 years
Jackattack. One of my closest friends. Honestly I remember times where we would get along slightly because lol Boston and then we wouldn't talk for a loooong ttime. Then back to lol Boston. Honestly one of the funniest people with a penchant for totally oversleeping the days we are supposed to meet on (richard). You laugh at everything, a trait we both share quite well, and you are happy as hell right now, which makes me so happy. We've bonded over Boston, being friends with Michael, hating JaayCee, telling each other f*** you, and other things! Honestly I'd do a ton for you, although you need to nut up sometimes.

deletedabout 9 years
just write gay that's all i want honestly