deleted about 9 years
Thank you for respecting my girth, ling. The next time you're on the opposing team I'll slaughter you the least so you look good compared to your teammates.
deleted about 9 years
I've definitely never been dumpstered, you're talking to a top 5 MMR NA player, sport
harodihg says I'd humble brag and post screens of my games in inhouse leagues with pros and tournaments and stuff but I'm on mobile. Feel free to compliment me anyway have dumped on this dweeb in an inhouse
deleted about 9 years
I'd humble brag and post screens of my games in inhouse leagues with pros and tournaments and stuff but I'm on mobile. Feel free to compliment me anyway
Blister says Dota 2 came out in July 2013. Blister says That's nearly 19,000 hours in a 28 month period. Dota 2 was officially released from beta then, it's been around since like 2011 tho. I started playing in early 2012
i wish hon turned out better because they had the best engine out of the three (lol/dota2)
Lol compare mine to ling's... its hilarious deleted about 9 years
I've had DotA 2 since 2012 and played DotA 1 as well. Good luck on the 5k journey ling :) There's only a few other people with more hours than me, I know ixmike has me beat by a ton.
Blister says Dota 2 came out in July 2013. it was our like 2012 p sure
justrec says dota 3 being teased at e3 what?
dota 3 being teased at e3
deleted about 9 years
...Out of a possible 20,440 hours
deleted about 9 years
That's nearly 19,000 hours in a 28 month period.
deleted about 9 years
Dota 2 came out in July 2013.
are you watching the majors? I'm getting over dota, i'll probs grind back to 5k sometime tho
deleted about 9 years
I like DotA ~_~
deleted about 9 years
I can just link my profile: 18.7k I was off by a little
deleted about 9 years
I've been playing since it came out and leave it on. I used to play competitively so I'd also spend every waking hour on it for a long time. I was 4th in NA a while back
screenshot that, i have like 2.8k hours, theres no way you have 19k hours wtf
deleted about 9 years
I have like 19k hours lol
harodihg says dota is the jam Post your hours.