deleted about 9 years
Feels great to be alive.
omg i love food im lucky that i can eat solid food. i feel bad for people who can't eat solid yummy food :(
deleted about 9 years
You know what is fun. Kidney stones.
deleted about 9 years
ArieI says secretly It's... It's not exactly a secret...
steve's secretly a homosexual
deleted about 9 years
ArieI says naps make everything better Except unironically.
naps make everything better
deleted about 9 years
ArieI says ScubaSteve says Giga13 says my memory is getting worse and worse and it's not only pissing me off but scaring me somewhat too I've been going through something similar the last few months. If I don't physically write things down on a legal pad, there's a really really good chance I won't remember it unless someone reminds me. i can confirm -_- Everything Is Fine
don't try to take away my cinnamon happiness
deleted about 9 years
That's not a feeling, GOD
my room smells like cinnamonnnnnnnnnnn yeyeyyeyyyyysyeys
deleted about 9 years
i'm really boring and stupid when you get to know me.
ScubaSteve says Giga13 says my memory is getting worse and worse and it's not only pissing me off but scaring me somewhat too I've been going through something similar the last few months. If I don't physically write things down on a legal pad, there's a really really good chance I won't remember it unless someone reminds me. i can confirm -_-
deleted about 9 years
I'm so sad ;_;
pamda says Hi Ben, help me with my drug problems. ok
deleted about 9 years
Hi Ben, help me with my drug problems.
im romancing one of my companions on fallout 4 and she is asking me to help her with her drug problems.
deleted about 9 years
just found out none of my medications are fatal when OD'd on. sad day.
deleted about 9 years
not doing very well. doing bad, even.
i went to a football game for the first time today and we lost miserably :(
deleted about 9 years
started crying out of basically nowhere. i have actually no control over my emotions.
i hoenstly dont know why i take like a month off work for exams because i get bored after 2 days of holidays
deleted about 9 years
you know bigpock can't read