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hateful comments

about 9 years

this isnt a complaint and it is epicmafia related (words we can and can't use ingame)

seeing as though i just got perma banned for using the phrase "mentally challenged" as an insult, can you mods create an official list of words/phrases that are HC?

also mods should not be allowed to self-moderate HC reports anymore because that's stupid. if one mod is offended by something they just auto-HC it when it's not even HC

should mods be allowed to self-moderate HC reports?
about 9 years

Fam says

Zhuorb says

Riotkiller reported the site, not for sexual harassment

I was under the impression the site was reported for Howl getting modded and there was evidence of him saying inappropriate things to someone who was posing as an underage girl

That was pretty long after; the forums got reset because of the Riotkiller report
about 9 years

harodihg says

Just for the record - there are thousands of other sites where everyone calls each other r-words and n-words and it doesn't effect adsense - what really matters is true hate speech like on some radical KKK site or posting of flat out pics.

This isn't true. There were plenty of threads that were flagged purely on content
about 9 years

Fam says

The site wasn't reported for that directly. It was because there was sexual harassment or something going on. Adsense says nothing about using swear words

it does, indirectly
deletedabout 9 years

Zhuorb says

Riotkiller reported the site, not for sexual harassment

I was under the impression the site was reported for Howl getting modded and there was evidence of him saying inappropriate things to someone who was posing as an underage girl
deletedabout 9 years

harodihg says

No - plenty of sites get reported. I don't know what was on this site before but I can say with 99% certainty if you had an entire page filled up with alternating r-word and n-word it wouldn't matter. Their report system is checked via crawlers which don't care if you call someone a r-word as long as the homepage isn't a gigantic, sweaty, hairy, veiny, throbbing stack of man meat.

Is it getting hot in here?

Google contacted Lucid afterwards to say AdSense was revoked
deletedabout 9 years
No - plenty of sites get reported. I don't know what was on this site before but I can say with 99% certainty if you had an entire page filled up with alternating r-word and n-word it wouldn't matter. Their report system is checked via crawlers which don't care if you call someone a r-word as long as the homepage isn't a gigantic, sweaty, hairy, veiny, throbbing stack of man meat.

Is it getting hot in here?
about 9 years
Riotkiller reported the site, not for sexual harassment
deletedabout 9 years
The site wasn't reported for that directly. It was because there was sexual harassment or something going on. Adsense says nothing about using swear words
about 9 years
nevermind they make u pay for an account which means they dont have to rely on google ads and that means they dont need no adsense
about 9 years

harodihg says

Just for the record - there are thousands of other sites where everyone calls each other r-words and n-words and it doesn't effect adsense - what really matters is true hate speech like on some radical KKK site or posting of flat out pics.

that's because those sites weren't reported. this one was
about 9 years
Adsense has nothing to do with it. The users of this site just can't resist telling mommy and daddy whenever another user says a bad word
about 9 years

harodihg says

Just for the record - there are thousands of other sites where everyone calls each other r-words and n-words and it doesn't effect adsense - what really matters is true hate speech like on some radical KKK site or posting of flat out pics.

deletedabout 9 years
Just for the record - there are thousands of other sites where everyone calls each other r-words and n-words and it doesn't effect adsense - what really matters is true hate speech like on some radical KKK site or posting of flat out pics.
about 9 years

mist says


about 9 years

mist says

UniversalStudios says


about 9 years
shut up you physeter macrocephalus!!
about 9 years

trolleyz says

krystalk is floating around a certain word and has been warned about it before

do something about it instead of upvoting it, moderator mist.

about 9 years

harodihg says

Satan says

Lucid please make a thing where words automatically change from slurs to funny words and then bam if anyone bypasses that way, vio them (some people bypass because if you don't it's just blanked which makes people want to bypass so their posts aren't terrible).

Shut up you Rodney Dangerfield

yeah see it works, but instead change it to marine animals, its my time to shine.
about 9 years

Fam says

Satan says

Lucid please make a thing where words automatically change from slurs to funny words and then bam if anyone bypasses that way, vio them (some people bypass because if you don't it's just blanked which makes people want to bypass so their posts aren't terrible).

Or just get rid of the censor and moderate it if something is to innapropriate

deletedabout 9 years

Satan says

Lucid please make a thing where words automatically change from slurs to funny words and then bam if anyone bypasses that way, vio them (some people bypass because if you don't it's just blanked which makes people want to bypass so their posts aren't terrible).

Shut up you Rodney Dangerfield
deletedabout 9 years

Satan says

Lucid please make a thing where words automatically change from slurs to funny words and then bam if anyone bypasses that way, vio them (some people bypass because if you don't it's just blanked which makes people want to bypass so their posts aren't terrible).

Or just get rid of the censor and moderate it if something is to innapropriate
deletedabout 9 years

UniversalStudios says


about 9 years
Lucid please make a thing where words automatically change from slurs to funny words and then bam if anyone bypasses that way, vio them (some people bypass because if you don't it's just blanked which makes people want to bypass so their posts aren't terrible).
about 9 years
deletedabout 9 years