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hateful comments

about 9 years

this isnt a complaint and it is epicmafia related (words we can and can't use ingame)

seeing as though i just got perma banned for using the phrase "mentally challenged" as an insult, can you mods create an official list of words/phrases that are HC?

also mods should not be allowed to self-moderate HC reports anymore because that's stupid. if one mod is offended by something they just auto-HC it when it's not even HC

should mods be allowed to self-moderate HC reports?
about 9 years
Here is a real easy fix vilden....are you writing this down?

You just dont use words that are slurs. Use a thesaurus if you have to in order to think of a different word besides one that mocks and insults the mentally challenged.
about 9 years

eris says

Satan says

what is club penguin

it's a site for marine biologists like myself

hey dude watch it, im the resident marine biologist here
about 9 years

voluntaryloser says

is baby meant to mean childminded which is meant to mean the r slur i'll report you so f*cking fast krystal

YES im calling him child minded meaning his mind hasnt yet matured, which happens to some adults and can be known as mentally challanged
deletedabout 9 years

Satan says

what is club penguin

it's a site for marine biologists like myself
about 9 years
what is club penguin
deletedabout 9 years
is baby meant to mean childminded which is meant to mean the r slur i'll report you so f*cking fast krystal
about 9 years

eris says

krystalk says

That moment epic mafia slowly morphs into club penguin, now that idiot can be HC.

I've been banned from that site too

me too id say dont throw your cumm balls at me and id get banned
about 9 years

ArieI says

u have never met my dog, ben

no i haven't and i never will so i will continue to live in ignorant bliss with my seals & sea lions...

togepi knows, she saw my buddy
deletedabout 9 years

krystalk says

That moment epic mafia slowly morphs into club penguin, now that idiot can be HC.

I've been banned from that site too
about 9 years
u have never met my dog, ben
about 9 years

Satan says

krystal k, you chose the wrong catfish to back!!

wdym hes my baby, but tbh even if he wasnt i woulda defended any one who the mods were to do this to
about 9 years
dogs are cool and stuff but only seals/sea lions are capable of making my heart gush with cuteness
about 9 years
yeah whatever lamer dogs are cooler
about 9 years

ArieI says

instead of arguing, everyone go pet a dog

or a seal or sea my case, because i am a marine biologist
deletedabout 9 years
ima go pet my dog =(
about 9 years
instead of arguing, everyone go pet a dog
about 9 years
krystal k, you chose the wrong catfish to back!!
deletedabout 9 years
i'm sorry to hear that:(
about 9 years
That moment epic mafia slowly morphs into club penguin, now that idiot can be HC.
about 9 years
voluntary loser
deletedabout 9 years
i'm facing some challenges today, ian : (
deletedabout 9 years

mist says

itg321 says

i don't know mist, but find someone with a slightly different worldview who is also dedicated to becoming a mod

fo waht it's worht these idiots have been arugfing over this verdict for three fricking days and they're still going at it so it's not entirely accurate to say all the mods have the same world view

would you say that some of them are showing intellectual challenges? the mental kind?
about 9 years
i dont have a perosnal interest in either side

that's how i've coped
deletedabout 9 years

itg321 says

i don't know mist, but find someone with a slightly different worldview who is also dedicated to becoming a mod

fo waht it's worht these idiots have been arugfing over this verdict for three fricking days and they're still going at it so it's not entirely accurate to say all the mods have the same world view
deletedabout 9 years
hc is a f*cking stupid rule.