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league of legends

almost 9 years

uninstall league

What do you main dude
I just feed
over 8 years
Dota > LoL
over 8 years
over 8 years

Dariukas47 says

lol this game went downhill as fck with all of those fcking weebos joining the freaking game and 12 yr olds instalocking..... goodthing i got permabanned.


i watch smite tournament streams, no shame.
deletedover 8 years
I hope this means league of legends gets an anime.
deletedover 8 years
lol this game went downhill as fck with all of those fcking weebos joining the freaking game and 12 yr olds instalocking..... goodthing i got permabanned.

over 8 years
Do you people actually play this sweatshop country game? I don't because it would be an insult to my GPU.
over 8 years
Twisted fate carried me out of gold
over 8 years
Master Tier EuW - DouradaGrelhada
add me if u want that free Challenjour (for nudes)
over 8 years
wait I forgot I namechanged to edark lol
over 8 years

Edark says

add edark94 on EUW if u want that free Diamond3 carry

error not found
over 8 years
na- Ucklar
over 8 years

tyrannosaurusrex says

IawIiet says

I used to play and main Warwick, then stopped for a long time since I was never that good. I'd love to get back into it and play with Kindred, tbh, jungle seems like fun.

Warwick is a pretty ez mode jungle.You just have to know how to properly gank and when to use his ult. Kindred is more difficult for me because I've never been strong with marksman jungles.

Ahh I see I see; I'll probably get used to Warwick again just so I can remember how to play (it's been 3 years, I wanna say?) and then I might move on to explore other champions ye.
over 8 years

IawIiet says

I used to play and main Warwick, then stopped for a long time since I was never that good. I'd love to get back into it and play with Kindred, tbh, jungle seems like fun.

Warwick is a pretty ez mode jungle.You just have to know how to properly gank and when to use his ult. Kindred is more difficult for me because I've never been strong with marksman jungles.
over 8 years
add edark94 on EUW if u want that free Diamond3 carry
over 8 years
add me and carry me please ign: danielle
over 8 years
I used to play and main Warwick, then stopped for a long time since I was never that good. I'd love to get back into it and play with Kindred, tbh, jungle seems like fun.
over 8 years
I play
do you?
over 8 years

Becomeclear says

Anyone on EUW?

over 8 years
Anyone on EUW?
over 8 years
O/ I'm Oce and na (mostly Oce but 30 on both accounts) I main jungle and support and I'm currently nearly plat.
over 8 years
over 8 years
na- vildenlol
over 8 years
EUNE : Xxerox00

NA : Xxerox

I play once per year.

Damn it , i play for over 6 years now and i have yet to reach lvl 30. Game is too hard on leveling up.
over 8 years
im a thresh main now madlife hooks boiz
almost 9 years
marksman is the new hip term for adc