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league of legends

almost 9 years

uninstall league

What do you main dude
I just feed
over 8 years
Uninstall League of Legends.
over 8 years
league of losers
deletedover 8 years
omg NA sucks cok come to EUW !!
deletedover 8 years
bronze 5 euw here reporting in but I made it to diamond 5 on na
over 8 years
Does anyone here play on EUNE?
over 8 years
Ask me about Shamzy's username
deletedover 8 years
new champ is lit
over 8 years
hello my league username is mmatchas thank u

over 8 years
deletedover 8 years

as a mastery lv 7 nami main, can i just say.. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA this is the coolest skin ♡(ŐωŐ人)
over 8 years

xela says

Edark says

groundhogday says

i'll give you one level 30 na account when i get it back from riot

Or you can join me in EUW and get dia there, I've got a few of my friends to plat already so dia shouldnt be too hard

after diamond if you work hard enough you can eventually make it to NA bronze 5

1v1 me on NA, I can problably beat you without runes and masteries and 200 ping
over 8 years

Edark says

groundhogday says

i'll give you one level 30 na account when i get it back from riot

Or you can join me in EUW and get dia there, I've got a few of my friends to plat already so dia shouldnt be too hard

after diamond if you work hard enough you can eventually make it to NA bronze 5
deletedover 8 years

groundhogday says

only true 00s kids will remember leaving four virtual machines running league scripts for weeks at a time to farm referrals

that reminds me of this european dude I knew on another forum who was trying to get someone from the US to spend $2k on CPUs at a microcenter because it had some crazy in-store only deal so that he could mass farm bitcoins

his plan was batsh*t hilarious and I wish someone actually helped him out
over 8 years
only true 00s kids will remember leaving four virtual machines running league scripts for weeks at a time to farm referrals
over 8 years
i would if i had an eu account
over 8 years

groundhogday says

i'll give you one level 30 na account when i get it back from riot

Or you can join me in EUW and get dia there, I've got a few of my friends to plat already so dia shouldnt be too hard
deletedover 8 years
the scumteam
over 8 years
let's do it. what will we call ourselves
over 8 years
We should start a ranked team :^
over 8 years

season 3 was better times
over 8 years
i'll give you one level 30 na account when i get it back from riot
over 8 years
How much u willing to pay fam
over 8 years
also if anyone wants to help me get to diamond in the next couple days things are starting to get really boring queuing with one other person
deletedover 8 years
shame it wasn't this guy
over 8 years i got teamed with this guy today