....Your happy place sounds lovely...
I mean... Tacos.
I'm on mobile and can't see who gave me a minus but when I find out there will be hell to pay
I too love stuffing my face with phallic shaped foods. It helps me go to my happy place
not my area of expertise I'm afraid, seeing as I'm too cool for school
tums are a life saver next time the need arises
I just ate 4 hotdogs. Should I get help yet?
deletedabout 9 years
do you have any tips for passing math class
i dont wanna go 2 summer skool again
deletedabout 9 years
ok my tummy feels way better
Does it make you feel good?
Did you try turning it off and turning it back on again?
deletedabout 9 years
i just had a whole habanero and my tummy is cramping up omg
I used to love lying but lately I've become more and more adverse to it. I've gotten caught in a web a few too many times for my liking.
I could make up some lie but now that I outted I breadcrumbed it seems kind of needlessly dishonest so I'll just abstain.
deletedabout 9 years
where do u work
deletedabout 9 years
wanna watch the nascar race with me in a hour?
Whatever. I breadcrumbed for a bit in the middle of this thread. If you're dying to know, there it is
I mean this technically wasnt a lie it just also wasnt the whole truth
But you still want to see how long you can make it last like, because maybe it'll be even more satisfying if you leave 'em on ice longer
At some point the fun of being a secret dies and the last excitement is the reveal ya know?