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this is an ama

almost 9 years

ask things

almost 9 years
what's the point, fred12344
almost 9 years
which is worse war or anime
i say anime
almost 9 years
What's stupid is calling people idiots for staying true to their principles.
almost 9 years
They just operate within a system I think is flawed. I don't fault the individuals. And even if they do fervently believe what I said warrants warning and eventually ban I wouldn't say that's stupid per say, just a difference in opinion.
almost 9 years

RhinoSoreAss says

how dumb do you think mods are?

meh. They're probably not stupid people.
almost 9 years

Bigpock says

Can i keep hitting u with the barrage of questions?

AMD or Intel?

sure as long as you're not disappointed when I have lame answers

I don't even know which my computer has. My laptop is was prebuilt purchased from staples iirc
deletedalmost 9 years
how dumb do you think mods are?
deletedalmost 9 years
Can i keep hitting u with the barrage of questions?

AMD or Intel?
almost 9 years

Bigpock says

what sports do u watch

ĹŚllamaliztli is the only sport for me.
deletedalmost 9 years
what sports do u watch
deletedalmost 9 years
thanks, that's all i needed
almost 9 years

Blister says

do you like me starfuel???

you shouldn't concern yourself with the opinions of the background characters in your life. but sure, i guess you're alright?
almost 9 years

fred12344 says

fug i meant who sorry

i like to keep him a secret so i dont have to share him with anyone :)
deletedalmost 9 years
do you like me starfuel???
almost 9 years
fug i meant who sorry
almost 9 years

fred12344 says

whats you are waifu?

he's sweet and caring and romantic and he cheers me up on days that the grind really gets to me and i wouldnt trade him for the world.
almost 9 years
whats you are waifu?
almost 9 years

Gira says

allegedly he hung out in sandbox on an alt flirting with teenage girls

having poked my head in sandbox i really dont understand why anyone would "retire" to there.
almost 9 years

Retti says

what's your opinion of me based on the opinion i gave you in an opinion thread

confetti for sweaty retti spaghetti rosetti the betty yeti also tom petty
almost 9 years

Gira says


almost 9 years
allegedly he hung out in sandbox on an alt flirting with teenage girls
deletedalmost 9 years
No wonder nanita ran away =(
deletedalmost 9 years

starfuel says

eh, i never got very close to anyone back in the day but i had a silly internet crush on nanita.

nanita i still love you even now pls come back to me
deletedalmost 9 years
I'm laughing so hard right now. Good old em memories
deletedalmost 9 years
what's your opinion of me based on the opinion i gave you in an opinion thread