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need attention ama

almost 9 years


almost 9 years
just wanna say that i hope everyone has good things happen to them, and i wish everyone the best
almost 9 years

Hibiki says

Anthony says

i mean i really enjoyed kill la kill so there's a basis for you =]

watch nisekoi or something man idk, i bet you'd love some harem shít

Don't make him suffer like that.
almost 9 years
i'd say this thread was a success but i kinda feel like, like most times i do an ama/opinion, im kinda a dry fruit or whatever so i hope this wasnt too dry
almost 9 years

Anthony says

i mean i really enjoyed kill la kill so there's a basis for you =]

watch nisekoi or something man idk, i bet you'd love some harem shít
almost 9 years

Tucker says

Tucker says

Drink of choice?

full fat milk
deletedalmost 9 years

Tucker says

Drink of choice?

almost 9 years

Hibiki says

Fidelis says

Biggest regret?

everything i've ever regretted in life has stemmed from something dishonest i've said or done

i suppose the real answer to this would be "hiding my problem(s)"
almost 9 years

starfuel says

Hibiki says

starfuel says

favorite kind of candy?


chocolate isn't candy you hack

wasn't aware. not a candy man
almost 9 years

keri says

Do you ever feel like wanting to go home whenever hanging out with friends

no. i would actually hang out more if i could. i think i'm close though, i've always been an introvert but as it stands i get a lot of recharge time
almost 9 years
Do you ever feel like wanting to go home whenever hanging out with friends
almost 9 years

Hibiki says

starfuel says

favorite kind of candy?


chocolate isn't candy you hack
almost 9 years

Fidelis says

Biggest regret?

everything i've ever regretted in life has stemmed from something dishonest i've said or done
almost 9 years

starfuel says

favorite kind of candy?

deletedalmost 9 years
Biggest regret?
almost 9 years
i mean i really enjoyed kill la kill so there's a basis for you =]
almost 9 years
favorite kind of candy?
almost 9 years
heck knows man, to tell you the truth i learned im the lowest tier of weeaboo
almost 9 years

starfuel says

i think anthony is a nice name

thank you.

five best anime you think i'd like?
i'm going to crash your wedding if you don't invite me
almost 9 years
i collect money. in the bank. B)
almost 9 years
got any collections?
almost 9 years
yeah i meant literally
almost 9 years
unfortunately yes, especially as a kid

i mean literally not metaphorically

well i guess it's evened out now but i did
almost 9 years
do you have a big head?
almost 9 years

Gira says

Hibiki says

i feel like my life perspective turned around at some point when i finally learned/accepted that bad things in my life will happen regardless of whether i let them upset me, therefore getting upset is generally a fruitless experience whereas solving problems is not

thats a very well-adjusted perspective

it's a double edged sword because it can be very daunting to see someone with an emotional problem and the only advice i have is "dont worry about it"

i.e. my friend was fretting over a girl he liked for 2 weeks straight
almost 9 years
im higher than high
lower than deep