How are they different if the latter is a sequence of the former.
Fam and Germ just said exactly the point. To conclude, Dems are no different/better then Repubs. They say what their voter base wants to hear.
deletedalmost 9 years
I think the entire point he was saying was that Liberals say things to sweet talk minorities with no intention to actually do it, it has nothing to do with their intelligence they try to manipulate everyone i dont know why you are trying to strawman
deletedalmost 9 years
"sanders is tricking people into voting him" is a lot more different than "sanders has appealed to people so they vote for him"
dude, everyone tricks people to vote for them and every demographic falls for it
oh, wait, when did I get into a semantics argument! forget it, you believe what you want
god you're stupid
deletedalmost 9 years
If Bernie gets nominated then we're in trouble. Put aside the question of whether his platform is better than Hillary's. The GOP propaganda machine will eat him alive. All it will need to do is convince some small percentage of stupefied virtually illiterate citizens that he's a communist and he'll be toast.
Kind of like how those same illiterate citizens already believe that Clinton should be on trial for actual war crimes?
I think accusations of socialism/communism would probably cut a far greater swath into the ranks of swing voters.
I disagree, especially now that the anti-Soviet propaganda machine isn't in full force anymore.
the reason you have a problem with someone saying 'manipulated minorities' is because you're too afraid to admit that everyone can be manipulated
no, the problem with saying "x is being manipulated" is that you're robbing x of all agency in that description, thereby dehumanizing x. and we already know america has a problem with seeing minorities as equal human beings.
but everyone can be manipulated, and minorities are naturally a set within everyone
it's about tone and subtext. read: "Some dogs get eaten by coyotes" vs. "Some wolves eat coyotes". Both saying the same thing in a different way with different emphases on subject.
oh, wait, when did I get into a semantics argument! forget it, you believe what you want
Jokes on you I'm independent. I'm voting for Kasich in my Ohio primary because he is the only candidate that makes sense for this election and isn't an extremist on either side. The reason Republicans have failed in the White House recently is because George W Bush used the bastardized version of Reaganomics that his father used. Kasich has an entire track record of positive influence for the country and my state. The fact that he is sensible (not for gay marriage, but will accept what the people want and has gone to gay weddings), and has done things like expanding Medicaid (something other Republicans wouldn't do) and was a part of the committee that balanced the national budget causing surplus which are reasons why I am voting for him. He worked with Reagan and knows how to compromise and get things done. That's something no other candidate can even think of saying.
Trump, Clinton, and Cruz are unelectable. Rubio is the "well I guess I'll settle" option. Sanders is the "I'm in college and want free money" option. Kasich at least is passable and not a criminal.
deletedalmost 9 years
the reason you have a problem with someone saying 'manipulated minorities' is because you're too afraid to admit that everyone can be manipulated
no, the problem with saying "x is being manipulated" is that you're robbing x of all agency in that description, thereby dehumanizing x. and we already know america has a problem with seeing minorities as equal human beings.
but everyone can be manipulated, and minorities are naturally a set within everyone
it's about tone and subtext. read: "Some dogs get eaten by coyotes" vs. "Some wolves eat coyotes". Both saying the same thing in a different way with different emphases on subject.
deletedalmost 9 years
Stupid people are exhausting.
deletedalmost 9 years
modabuse is wsteyer? was that known? did slowbro foxyboxx that and just out it because he's mad?
or is it just common knowledge?
deletedalmost 9 years
the reason you have a problem with someone saying 'manipulated minorities' is because you're too afraid to admit that everyone can be manipulated
no, the problem with saying "x is being manipulated" is that you're robbing x of all agency in that description, thereby dehumanizing x. and we already know america has a problem with seeing minorities as equal human beings.
but everyone can be manipulated, and minorities are naturally a set within everyone
deletedalmost 9 years
i wonder if butters germ and wsteyer all go to the same conservative bathhouse
deletedalmost 9 years
the reason you have a problem with someone saying 'manipulated minorities' is because you're too afraid to admit that everyone can be manipulated
no, the problem with saying "x is being manipulated" is that you're robbing x of all agency in that description, thereby dehumanizing x. and we already know america has a problem with seeing minorities as equal human beings.
the reason you have a problem with someone saying 'manipulated minorities' is because you're too afraid to admit that everyone can be manipulated
You'd think being on a website where your goal is to manipulate people would open someone to the fact that people do that in real life.
deletedalmost 9 years
If you want Trump for president, you might as well put a gun to your head right now.
if hillary is president, does that mean my mom can sue the gun manufacturer after?
this crowd is crazy, is that racist to say? some cultures are just different than others.
deletedalmost 9 years
no, i think he's appealing to racists and sexists
But mostly the uneducated, which in this country, accounts for a ton of people since the entire public education system is garbage. But hey, on the bright side, the more stupid people there are, the longer people like Trump can appeal to them and turn the United States back in to the collective laughing stock it deserves to be.
deletedalmost 9 years
also, bernie and hillary are really going at each others throats now. Loving it
deletedalmost 9 years
the reason you have a problem with someone saying 'manipulated minorities' is because you're too afraid to admit that everyone can be manipulated