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Trump vs. Hillary

deletedalmost 9 years

Who's excited? it's going to be a battle for the ages


deletedalmost 9 years

Peta says

ScubaSteve says

Peta says

If Bernie gets nominated then we're in trouble. Put aside the question of whether his platform is better than Hillary's. The GOP propaganda machine will eat him alive. All it will need to do is convince some small percentage of stupefied virtually illiterate citizens that he's a communist and he'll be toast.

Kind of like how those same illiterate citizens already believe that Clinton should be on trial for actual war crimes?

I think accusations of socialism/communism would probably cut a far greater swath into the ranks of swing voters.

I disagree, especially now that the anti-Soviet propaganda machine isn't in full force anymore.
deletedalmost 9 years
Stupid people are exhausting.
almost 9 years
deletedalmost 9 years

Peta says Hopefully this Wikipedia article on the entire history of moral philosophy will clarify things for you.

Same website that puts 'cultural marxism' into conspiracy theories lol
almost 9 years
o my the poll is tied
almost 9 years Hopefully this Wikipedia article on the entire history of moral philosophy will clarify things for you.
deletedalmost 9 years

Peta says


Hibiki says

republicans disgust me

implying democrats are any better

People who reject the dissolution of abortion clinics and the deportation of innocent tax-paying consumers tend to be better than people who support those endeavors.

Is this from personal bias and brownie points or do you have proof of what makes a person better than others
almost 9 years


Hibiki says

republicans disgust me

implying democrats are any better

People who reject the dissolution of abortion clinics and the deportation of innocent tax-paying consumers tend to be better than people who support those endeavors.
almost 9 years
I don't vote.
almost 9 years
Hello fellow Americans.
deletedalmost 9 years
people who don't vote are worse than every party
deletedalmost 9 years

Hibiki says

republicans disgust me

implying democrats are any better
almost 9 years

ScubaSteve says

Peta says

If Bernie gets nominated then we're in trouble. Put aside the question of whether his platform is better than Hillary's. The GOP propaganda machine will eat him alive. All it will need to do is convince some small percentage of stupefied virtually illiterate citizens that he's a communist and he'll be toast.

Kind of like how those same illiterate citizens already believe that Clinton should be on trial for actual war crimes?

I think accusations of socialism/communism would probably cut a far greater swath into the ranks of swing voters.
deletedalmost 9 years
wow Jesus what an essay

I didn't say I believed global warming was the apocalypse, I just thought it was an interesting perespective lol

I also spent pages defending that I know climate change is real so if you believed that then idk what to tell you
almost 9 years
almost 9 years
republicans disgust me
almost 9 years
its mindboogling that in 2016 people still doubt that climate change is real
deletedalmost 9 years

rutab says

I hope everything crashes so badly America turns to anarchy and we all try to invade other countries

that doesn't sound very good
almost 9 years

rutab says

I hope everything crashes so badly America turns to anarchy and we all try to invade other countries

you know what? sorry for calling you stupid

is this you crying out for help from your own life, quoting biblical passages about climate change as if they were signs of the apocalypse?

i feel for you, buddy. you're so misinformed it's not even funny.

and yes, we've all heard the "climate change is primarily natural" argument in our geology 101 courses, skipper.

climate change IS natural. its catalysts, in this case however, are not. please, get informed.

this is you posting here, asking for someone to slap you in the face irl. get yourself a reality check. global warming is happening. i live in florida and we are seeing its effects already.

the republicans are lying to you, and they are NOT looking after your family or your God-made world. they spit on your God, using biblical passages and divine commandments as justification for terrible economic policy and domestic regulation, all while pocketing millions for their lobbying interest group friends.

are the dems any better? yes, yes they are. they are trying to preserve this planet. the repubs dont give a , welcome apocalypse just as you do. well guess what? there is nothing for humanity if the world burns. if you let the planet fall, we all go with it. there is no heaven waiting for you then: only hellfire.

our country is being torn apart by this dogmatic stupidity that pervades our older generations. you, the young, have the chance to be informed. the knowledge is at your fingertips.

please, wake the f up.
almost 9 years

rutab says

Hilary's crimes were 100 times worse than Nixons, but she'll probably be excused too

jesus christ you are stupid..
deletedalmost 9 years
Trump's wall will only block us from Mexico where everyone will try to flee from the South
deletedalmost 9 years
I hope everything crashes so badly America turns to anarchy and we all try to invade other countries
deletedalmost 9 years
meetterry is right, capital requirements are more than enough to protect from another 07/08 (in all likelihood, promising the market will never crash again isnt fair. But no one can guarentee the market will never crash again, and more regulation will certainly not help)
deletedalmost 9 years

Kylo says

Germatron says

Kylo says

Global warming is a fact. Triatmoic molecules reflect heat. CO2 is a triatmoic molecule. Burning fossil fuels (which we do constantly) emits CO2 into the atmosphere. That CO2 reflects back heat. What part don't you get? Core concept?

there's really no proof of MAN MADE global warming.

so hamstringing american companies while the rest of the world powers through doesnt really seem like a great idea to me

There is proof of man made global warming actually. Literal decades of studies. You'd know this if you'd gone to college and taken literally any science course, but instead your most tangible ambition is assistant manager of the Wendy's you work at, and as a result you envy and yearn for the days where racism was a celebrated cultural value and you could be successful even if you were stupid as long as you were white.

I know this about you because you support Donald Trump, and people who support Donald Trump are invariably one of two kinds:

A. People who are both educated enough to understand exactly what his policies entail and rich enough to benefit from them, who vote for him in order to advance themselves.

B. People like you, who are uneducated enough to fall for his rhetoric and demagoguery, and stupid enough to vote against your own interests because his wife makes your pee pee hard.

pretty spot on actually, I cant really say anything in response.

but back on topic, I cant believe bernie won michigan. fuuuuarrrk
almost 9 years
and the sky is always blue and it never rains if i don't look up