Yeah, there are more intelligent views advertised in the democratic party than the republican one from what I can see. That doesn't mean I'm wrong about both groups being dead-set on slandering each other and about how it doesn't make the democratic and republican dichotomy a productive one. Not every republican or democrat is intelligent or unintelligent based on that, and they make the whole political scene a pissing contest between THOSE TWO PARTIES and the candidate that some particular faction of each side publicizes deserves the publicity or favor of nearly half the population.
It's not your job to clear me of a "malady," it's your job to expound your views if possible when they're called into question, especially after you put them out there along with a myriad of insults for all opposition, which adds to my impression that the two parties are obsessed with each other and narrow-minded. I think I already mentioned this, but "news channels" for both of them tend to be nothing but slander for the other. It encourages close-mindedness; one party could be partially right about one thing and still be completely irrational in regard to another issue.
I could be wrong, but a quick google search doesn't convince me otherwise and I am fairly certain that the democrats vs republicans feud cultivates an unnecessarily dyadic nature to these individual issues and the elections.
FTR, I was not in this thread since Orly's post; I began typing this and went AFK and only just now came back.
I'm not saying I wouldn't vote if I were of voting age. I almost certainly would. If I were of voting age, I'd have researched this more and actually come up with any concrete and substantial evidence I could find for why one candidate was closest to seeming decent. As I am not, I'm just posting here because I feel like it and I'm confident that however stupidly I behave in this thread, my stupidity will be drowned out by the vile trolls singing Trump's praises here and the thoughtless dweebs going along with the "focus every single brain cell you have on slandering the single opposing party, that is 100% evil!" philosophy that seems to be so prevalent.
I also watched the youtube video with John Oliver in it.
I dont know who Im voting for until John Oliver, Jon Stewart, or Colbert tell me exactly what to think and do.
At least other news sources try to cover up their bias's
i mean these businesses objectively failed, i dont think there's any spinning or bias here bud.
but whenever something is brought up it is "liberal propaganda" haha so whatever. i guess there are just some people who don't know how to observe facts (re: climate change)
I'm not saying I wouldn't vote if I were of voting age. I almost certainly would. If I were of voting age, I'd have researched this more and actually come up with any concrete and substantial evidence I could find for why one candidate was closest to seeming decent. As I am not, I'm just posting here because I feel like it and I'm confident that however stupidly I behave in this thread, my stupidity will be drowned out by the vile trolls singing Trump's praises here and the thoughtless dweebs going along with the "focus every single brain cell you have on slandering the single opposing party, that is 100% evil!" philosophy that seems to be so prevalent.
Not even attempting to see the cause or basis for there BEING two huge sides of an argument whilst maintaining one of them should be proof enough that you're not thinking things through properly or attempting to be objective.
I don't even remember you explaining why republican views were somehow inherently bad and democratic views were not so in any of your posts that I've read. Lol.
If Trump gets elected, I feel like it will be because the voting system is NOT the fair and equal choice it's cracked up to be. I don't see why anyone would assume the average Trump supporter is a bum rather than a millionaire or unethical politician siding with him out of unabashed self-interest. There's no reason for me to look into this because, aside from not being old enough to vote yet and my doubts about the president being a meaningful position anyway, I figure the people with a chance to actually get elected won't be the good one -- and my guess is supported by some of the sentiments I've seen in this thread, too.
i regret going back to read what was going on in this thread, i honestly don't think there was 1 sensible thing written in this long post lmao
deletedalmost 9 years
Everyone on EpicMafia who supports Trump is doing so ironically, right?
Right. None of the Trump-sized walls compiled by you over the past few pages were an indication of your high care count.
lmao @ trump-sized walls but no, they were not an indicator; I'm just a gabby person and I tend to ramble and overthink, resulting in some of the posts being way more tryhardy than they should have been. I'm killing time here, and am not necessarily making an effort to write "good" posts in response to edark and orly's delusional self-righteousness or w/e you wanna call it. i'll write what i feel like writing.
the democrats are, by and large, the more morally sensible party, with coherent logic and rational arguments.
the republicans are not only less intelligent, but they defend irrational policies (e.g. climate change isnt real; abortion should be outlawed; make states in charge of healthcare) and make abhorrently false claims.
the dems literally do not do this, especially not to any extent that you seem to be convinced that they do. you've been spoonfed lies. it's not my job to cure you of the malady, im just here to inform you that you're acting pretty reta- i mean, republican, right now.
Right. None of the Trump-sized walls compiled by you over the past few pages were an indication of your high care count.
lmao @ trump-sized walls but no, they were not an indicator; I'm just a gabby person and I tend to ramble and overthink, resulting in some of the posts being way more tryhardy than they should have been. I'm killing time here, and am not necessarily making an effort to write "good" posts in response to edark and orly's delusional self-righteousness or w/e you wanna call it. i'll write what i feel like writing.