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Trump vs. Hillary

deletedalmost 9 years

Who's excited? it's going to be a battle for the ages


deletedalmost 9 years
People are literally cheering for him to do something illegal
deletedalmost 9 years
Moderator: "How will you make the military listen to you if you tell them to do illegal actions? They're trained to not follow illegal actions."

Trump: "Oh don't you worry! They'll listen to ME!"

almost 9 years
lol how can anyone vote for a racist ableist mysoginisic assh*le.... trump's brainwashing people into voting for him and it's really sad
almost 9 years
[2016-03-02 7:53:17 PM] projectmatt: man the more and more I think about the current election the more frustrated I get
[2016-03-02 7:54:09 PM] projectmatt: i mean Donald trump openly making fun of someone with a disability, calling women pigs and making fun of everyone in his sight is enough for me to think he'd be a bad president but his policies are literally so bad that i don't get why he's leading
[2016-03-02 7:54:27 PM] projectmatt: legitimately most of his policies can be summed up with "i'm gonna do this. how? i'll make it work! i'll make America great again!"
[2016-03-02 7:54:43 PM] projectmatt: but no matter how obvious it is that this man has no clue what he is doing he'll win the gop nomination and possibly the election anyway
[2016-03-02 7:54:45 PM] projectmatt: so rip
deletedalmost 9 years
I'm gonna vote for Hillary but only because I think she can beat Trump in an arm wrestling match.
deletedalmost 9 years

Fidelis says

Fidelis says

Piney says

Someone write up a Political System of the U.S. For Dummies/Non Americans please.

did you vote for kim dotcom

do you remember bill and Ben party lol

Yup but I was too young to really understand it lol
almost 9 years
Hilary has no chance. Trump is going to be a great president and there's nothing anyone can do about it.
almost 9 years
why isnt there a "move to canada" option on the poll
almost 9 years
Never liked Trump. I think he would be an absolutely awful president. People who say he's a good businessman need to realize he got his start through daddy's money. That's all I'm saying on the topic because I don't like arguing politics.
deletedalmost 9 years

Slowbro says

if only trump wasn't rich, then he'd probably die soon

I like my humor like I like my coffee, dark and bitter.
almost 9 years
You guys should read up on Trump's policies instead of just repeating what the media says.
deletedalmost 9 years
if only trump wasn't rich, then he'd probably die soon
deletedalmost 9 years
actually I just looked again, and the article is gone. so cool. But hey, did you guys know that trump is going to face off against megyn kelly tonight? there's only like 4 articles about it
deletedalmost 9 years

Orly says

granted, i still think it's shady, but it's clearly being blown out of proportion.

blown out of proportion? are you kidding me? liberal media is desperately attempting to sweep it under the rug, and youre buying into it.

last night, the DOJ granted immunity to one of HRC's aids. which is a pretty big deal, because it clearly implies he's going to testify against her/someone else. How does the NYT's (a publication I actually like) report this story? Not on the front page, despite being debate-ably the biggest story of the day (atleast before Romney talked). Not even at the top of their Politics page. It's like 10 articles down in politics, under the non-descript headline "as campaign unfolds, so do inquiries into Hillary Clinton's emails" would someone ever read that article when the headline and placement made it seem like it was just treading water.

So no, I don't think the email thing is blown out of proportion. And obviously HRC cant be directly compared to joe smoe, but hey, if she did get special leniency or permission, dont you think this investigation wouldnt be going on at all? when she get's indicted (although she probably wont admittedly because she's untouchable), are you still going to be like, "but her position should grant her leniency!"
almost 9 years
almost 9 years
Its funny how much crap mitt romney has already gotten for his speech discrediting trump
almost 9 years
will not happily vote for either
almost 9 years

The says

Regardless of who gets the democratic nomination (Hillary could still be denied the spot because of the email scandal)

it's still shocking how the general public thinks a secretary of state is applicable to the same IT requirements as someone in a company position. yes, what she did is not standard protocol, but there are some things that a position such as that grants leniency towards. we don't know the full reasoning behind the separate server, and there could (maybe not, though) have been very valid motives behind retaining the information separately

granted, i still think it's shady, but it's clearly being blown out of proportion.
deletedalmost 9 years

Fidelis says

Piney says

Someone write up a Political System of the U.S. For Dummies/Non Americans please.

did you vote for kim dotcom

do you remember bill and Ben party lol
deletedalmost 9 years

The says

I mean, can anyone here even imagine a one-on-one debate between Sanders and Trump?

let's be honest here, trump deserves a better opponent than sanders. At least in a one on one debate.

Policy aside, sanders is a brick wall in debates, anything you throw at him he's just like "the wealthy are rich" "it's time for wallstreet to pay!" We get it!

On the other hand, Hillary is someone who can actually have a discussion on policy
almost 9 years
almost 9 years
almost 9 years
deletedalmost 9 years
I honestly wish that we didn't have to vote for any of the candidates... I don't want a Republican in office; Bernie Sanders is going to cause a major sky rocket is taxes just to make colleges free (it's a good idea on paper, but not in practice); and Hilary Clinton is trying to appeal to the younger audience by attending them "hip shows" like Ellen. I would love her in office, but her past decisions on her beliefs show that she doesn't think for herself in all honesty, instead she goes with what the people want. I want someone who actually doesn't give a damn about what the people think and actually help the nation... I wish we had Ronald Reagan. Yeah he's from the Republican party; however he did make some significant changes in the U.S. while working with Margaret Thatcher... wow this turned into a rant.. I'm sorry let's not make this serious.

deletedalmost 9 years