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The Tatami AMA

deletedabout 9 years

Have you ever wanted to know my opinion on you?

Have you ever wanted advice on solving your weasel problems?

Have you ever wanted to know how someone can be this infuriatingly bad at mafia?

Have you ever wanted to know why I am so infuriatingly stupid it makes you want to fling your keyboard at a wall?

Did you miss the reveal and want to know what the ratings were?

Do you want to ask me any question whatsoever?

Find out here the answer to all these, and more, here.

Do you not want to ask me any question, but just want to stop by and tell me you hate my guts and think I deserve to get hit by a car? That's okay too.

Best Historical Tatami Pairing?
deletedalmost 9 years

expose says

Opinion pls :3

I don't know anything about you other than your mafia play, where some games you decidedly impress and have an astounding complexity of play and then other games you're just complete dead weight and it's really confusing.

Coincidentally, the day after you asked me what I'd do if I went without internet, my house's power went out leaving us internetless for the day. We sat around a table and played cards.
about 9 years
Opinion pls :3
deletedabout 9 years

I think you're one of the most interesting people I've met on the site. I wasn't sure how to feel about you as a person for awhile just because at times you're incredibly malicious but I've realized that it's mostly just impatience/being vindictive than true malice. I think you're someone who cares a lot about others and makes a real, genuine attempt to get to know as many as people as possible and that's a very admirable thing .You go out of your way to start conversations and take genuine interest in people and their hobbies and I like that. You're hands down one of the smartest people to ever touch the site but recognize that it's just a mafia website who cares if you're smarter and other traits can be just as valuable. Your mindset, especially competitively/interpersonally, is similar to mine in a lot of ways.

Overall, as a person I think you're great, the only thing I dislike about you is your short temper/impatience at times.
deletedabout 9 years

mist says

hi tatami

Ayyyyyyy mist I like you
deletedabout 9 years
hi tatami
about 9 years
Yeah, I was mostly talking about Red Hearts and such. I've been mostly impressed by Gold Hearts so far/
deletedabout 9 years
Keep in mind too what you're comparing-your games before you likely "stacked" by playing mainly tables with your friends and players you knew to be good, minimum 2-3 per table. Chances are you're not doing that now. I do and I'm consistently able to get games that continue to impress me with the level of skill displayed, and I've played for 6 years.

>checks Super's match history
>jan 2.0 red heart

Never mind, ignore all of the lengthy paragraphs I just typed, none of them matter, I found your problem. Jan 2.0 is literally the worst setup to play on the site and I'm so sorry you had to experience that. Literally the only competitive setup I refuse to play seriously, and I play every game with a ridiculous amount of effort. Seriously, never play Jan 2.0 with the expectation of people having a functional brain.

AdrenalineMime says

what do you think about my steam username

I think it's mildly humorous and very much your sense of humor, but then what else would it be?
deletedabout 9 years

TerrySteele says

Because EM has degraded even further past the depths it was already at previously. I came to check things out a few weeks ago now. I've decided I'm going to actually try to win a trophy now, even though it's more meaningless than it was before somehow.

Super says

Yeah but honestly, it looks hard to win a trophy if games are completely trolled and 24/7

I honestly think both of these perceptions are wrong, particularly in comparison to the perceived "before".

The game was always pretty terrible to play, mau, voltron, and even Fading were all awful to play with at times. Elaborating more on Fading: The guy wasn't irrational and made good points a lot of the time but he definitely wasn't above trolling and caps spamming for a majority of the game.

A lot of people have this perception of the game's quality going down over time and I honestly feel like it's just a combination of the most memorable games being the best ones and yourself getting better/smarter with respect to the game. I've been active the entire time straight through, and the level on average has shot through the roof when it comes to gold hearts. Red hearts nobody really takes seriously, which is a shame, but gold hearts the level is as high as it's ever been. Trophies are honestly much harder to win now due to a combination of factors-first is that the player base is much more skilled on average, lowering your % win, second is that there are simply a lot more people playing.
deletedabout 9 years
Like I said, I'm not really upset about it because I did much, much worse to you, it was just something that I really wasn't ever able to figure out how I felt about it. Thank you for apologizing. One of the questions in my mind has always been "Did they ever even like me to begin with or was that just something I wanted to think?" so I'm really glad to hear that in the end it was the former and that my feelings were unjustified.

Super says

But after I won gold I felt like you really didn't like me and it made things awkward and made me feel like I had to dislike you based on the way you treated me.

I didn't and there were a lot of reasons for that but I blamed you for a lot of things I shouldn't have and at the end of the day I was just such a rager. I was so insecure and eager to assert myself and I think you got some of the worst of it so I don't blame you at all. There was no possible way to like me.

Thanks for posting, I'm really glad I got a chance to apologize and clear things up on both ends. You sound pretty great and I'm sorry for blowing our friendship even if it was a long time ago.
deletedabout 9 years

Super says

I can definitely agree on some of the things you mentioned. But honestly, I was quite a child too (and I am definitely not the same person I was back then).

This is pretty much what I imagined, glad to hear I wasn't the only one but I wouldn't have minded had that been the case.

Super says

My memory is REALLY blurred especially about the me thinking you had a crush on me/me telling you I liked you. I think Fading had a lot to do with that. I am sorry if I ever upset you though.

The first time I didn't really have the social intelligence to realize that it was kind of mean, but that one was very Fading driven. The second time was after he left the site and the one where I actually realized what you were doing. That said, even if it was malicious my being a level was at an all time high so I can't really blame you even if two wrongs don't make a right.
deletedabout 9 years

expose says

What would you do if you couldn't use the internet or watch TV for a month?

I don't really watch a lot of TV, probably one episode of anime and one episode of a western show a month so I would have no problems with that. With the internet I would have no clue, it's how I do virtually everything-amusements, readings, news, etc. Additionally, I'm very fond of my friends online as I've been friends with them for typically 3-6 years, and I'd be kind of bummed if I just couldn't talk to them.

It would probably spur me to reach out to some of my uni friends I see less frequently, though, which I would like.
about 9 years
what do you think about my steam username
about 9 years
The censorship is fuckking stupid, but apparently adsense doesn't like naughty language on the forums, and lucid doesn't want to lose his cash cow either. So censor. Thankfully you can still swear in games.
about 9 years
f you epicmafia censorship
about 9 years
about 9 years
Yeah but honestly, it looks hard to win a trophy if games are completely trolled and 24/7
about 9 years
Because EM has degraded even further past the depths it was already at previously. I came to check things out a few weeks ago now. I've decided I'm going to actually try to win a trophy now, even though it's more meaningless than it was before somehow.
about 9 years
Nah I've been bored and came on last night to check things out. I also played a ranked game which I highly regret. WHY IS EVERYONE SO SPAMMY AND TROLLY?
about 9 years
what the feck, Super you're still here? Jesus Christ!
about 9 years
I can definitely agree on some of the things you mentioned. But honestly, I was quite a child too (and I am definitely not the same person I was back then). My memory is REALLY blurred especially about the me thinking you had a crush on me/me telling you I liked you. I think Fading had a lot to do with that. I am sorry if I ever upset you though. I honestly always wanted to be friends with you. But after I won gold I felt like you really didn't like me and it made things awkward and made me feel like I had to dislike you based on the way you treated me.
about 9 years
What would you do if you couldn't use the internet or watch TV for a month?
deletedabout 9 years

Mori says

Also, describe the way you feel about Abe.

I like Abe. I think he's very average even though that is probably the word he would hate the most to apply to him, but it's true. He thinks he's all these things, extremely brilliant, a bad person, having nerdy hobbies, etc. and doesn't realize in general that everyone else is just like him. He's smart but not genius, his set of morals isn't perfect but pretty standard, his insecurities are shared by a large portion of the population. I think he's turning into a better and better person by day, though.

Alternatively, the dude is about as intelligent as sediment deposits.

Anthony says

Fair. What is your fondest EM memory?

I need to think on this one for longer, I'll come back to it and expound more upon later. Strong immediate candidates are Round 44 and the present time.
deletedabout 9 years

Mori says

and the current situation in Venezuela.

I honestly haven't read much on it and Latin America is the political region I have the least functional knowledge of so I'll avoid commenting too much, will say protests and government responses are to be expected. In other regions strongmen are incredibly useful in the short term just for the stability factor but I have no clue what Venezuela's political climate is and what a successor would look like. In essence, I'm not knowledgeable enough to know if overthrow would turn into prolonged conflict, a quick rise of another strongman, or a democratic government, and that's the most important question to answer. Generally worth the risk for citizens of the country, though.

Mori says

Also, dogs or cats?

Cats. Dogs slobber too much and I hate it when they jump on you. One of my friends has 15+ dogs and they all mob you the second you get out of the car and I hate it.
deletedabout 9 years

Mori says

Opinion on me?

I feel like I really don't know you that well honestly. I know that you're fundamentally a very kind and caring person, possessing more than adequate intelligence, but I know very little about your actual personality. I know nothing about your history, your interests, your dreams, or anything. I regret not knowing more. Generally I'm very good at seeing the people I want to know better and closing the distance, but you're just one of the few people I am never quite sure what the correct approach to doing so is.

Mori says

Also opinion on Colombe

I have never interacted with Colombe.

Mori says

and opinion on North Korea

I'm a rarity in that I lean very heavily interventionist (specifically American) in foreign affairs despite leaning very democratic otherwise. That said, North Korea is not a problem to be solved by the US and Cold War allies. Intervention is literally impossible, waiting for government to crumble is not really an effective strategy either (and a dangerous one anyway). The solution from what I've seen is honestly just to wait for China to pressure it into line and into order, which I believe will come as China continues to test out its influence in the new international order. Sucks but I don't think there's anything America & co. should really do. The best action is simply to flex muscles back and maintain the status quo. On the flip side, people worry about North Korea way too much. It's not going to start a war. It's immensely oppressive towards its people, but on an international stage it is generally harmless despite being a constant annoyance. Much bigger concerns elsewhere in the international system.
about 9 years
Fair. What is your fondest EM memory?