Have you ever wanted advice on solving your weasel problems?
Have you ever wanted to know how someone can be this infuriatingly bad at mafia?
Have you ever wanted to know why I am so infuriatingly stupid it makes you want to fling your keyboard at a wall?
Did you miss the reveal and want to know what the ratings were?
Do you want to ask me any question whatsoever?
Find out here the answer to all these, and more, here.
Do you not want to ask me any question, but just want to stop by and tell me you hate my guts and think I deserve to get hit by a car? That's okay too.
Did you know that you can browse both at once by putting a + in between? I'm going to assume you're asking for an opinion here. The truth is that I know virtually nothing about you, and never did to begin with. I do have some things to say, though. I think out of everyone on EM I feel the most awkward around you for a multitude of reasons. The first is that all of your experiences with me were when I was 13/14. Sorry for being literally and figuratively a child, I especially regret throwing that one fit post round and you didn't deserve that at all. The second is pretty random but there were two occasions where we just had some really awkward interactions, and the only way I have been able to explain it is that you thought I had a crush on you or something and were trying to exploit that to mess with me. The first was the time you/Fading tried to convince me you liked me, the second I won't post here. It was really, really awkward though and I have no clue why you thought that, and I feel like if I really had it would have been a very malicious thing to do. Those two times just really stuck in my mind more than any of our other interactions, though.
That said, I was still a horrible person to you on multiple occasions so I probably would have deserved it anyway. And I regret being that way, so I'm sorry Super. I'm also sorry I can't give an opinion on you and can only give my side of the experience of our interactions instead. You were simultaneously really nice to me at times I didn't deserve it but also very mean at times, and I don't really know how to feel about it looking back. Definitely reddit, /b/ was for when I was 12.
would you rather browse r/dragonsfuckingcars or r/carsfuckingdragons
deletedabout 9 years
How have you not at least seen the original? I thought everyone has at least once!
I haven't, I've never been one for TV!
deletedabout 9 years
How have you not at least seen the original? I thought everyone has at least once!
deletedabout 9 years
What do you think of Full House, and then Fuller House?
I have seen neither show.
deletedabout 9 years
What do you think of Full House, and then Fuller House?
deletedabout 9 years
i want an opinion i think we've interacted enough now to get a proper one
I don't think so, I think we've interacted a lot but it's mostly been very shallow. I've gotten very few chances to be real with you and not just have it be me/you/ling/Calvin messing around. I think you're funny and not a jerk and have your head on straight, though. I haven't gotten to see it firsthand but I've heard a lot about you being there for people and that makes me happy to hear and you seem like a great guy, even though I haven't gotten to personally witness it. You're also pretty damn good at mafia.
Thanks for the honest answers (: It's been fun getting to know a bit more about you!
I feel like my tolerance is probably below average-mainly because I've felt very little of it. I've never broken anything or had any serious physical problems so I can't really know.