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EMBB Trophy Game

over 8 years

^~^~^~^~^~^~Week 15: Finale Week~^~^~^~^~^~




Congratulations to HoH Queen Cammy and The Eagle Cosmoiswatching for outlasting all the rest, and making it to FINALE WEEK!

Cammy’s Speech:

Cosmoiswatching’s Speech:

Voice's Jury Speech:

Powerofdeath’s Jury Speech:

xSoniaNeverMindx’s Jury Speech:

Surfman’s Jury Speech:

Giovanni’s Jury Speech:

Cjn104’s Jury Speech:

BobbySmith’s Jury Speech:

                                                    Final 8 Photo:


The Jury:

9th Place: xSoniaNeverMindx

8th Place: Voice

7th Place: Powerofdeath

6th Place: Surfman

5th Place: Giovanni

4th Place: BobbySmith

3rd Place: Cjn104


EMBB Fantasy Draft:

EMBB Rules:

Green represents: Alive

Blue represents: The Head of Household

Red represents: Nominated

Purple represents: Power of Veto Holder

Orange represents: Hidden Veto Holder

Black represents: Evicted

over 8 years

[5/1/2016 5:27:26 PM] maukamauka: Since I'm getting a lot of hate and personal attack from Sonia/voice and need someone that can win challenges
[5/1/2016 5:29:18 PM] maukamauka: And we might be able to sit in the middle of the chaos then (maybe not me but you def)
[5/1/2016 5:29:30 PM] maukamauka: I just really love jmc
[5/1/2016 5:29:34 PM] maukamauka: Tho
[5/1/2016 5:29:56 PM] Gerry: yeah I know what you mean
[5/2/16, 10:45:57 PM] Gerry EMBB: as you can see. he already decided he wasn't gonna save surf
[5/2/16, 10:47:16 PM] Gerry EMBB: lmaooo
[5/2/16, 10:47:17 PM] Voice EMBB: On 5/2/16, at 10:45 PM, Gerry wrote:
> I'm getting a lot of hate and personal attack

[5/2/16, 10:47:21 PM] Voice EMBB: ?????????????????????????/
[5/2/16, 10:47:31 PM] Gerry EMBB: i mean i didn't wanna c/p but he wouldn't be honest with what he said
[5/2/16, 10:47:45 PM] xSoniaNeverMindx EMBB: Hate from me...
[5/2/16, 10:47:48 PM] Gerry EMBB: so cosmo idk what you heard. but i wasn't the one making them vote highspace
[5/2/16, 10:47:52 PM] xSoniaNeverMindx EMBB: sorry if that's how you feel
[5/2/16, 10:47:59 PM] Voice EMBB: no she's not
[5/2/16, 10:48:00 PM] Voice EMBB: she MEANT IT
[5/2/16, 10:48:45 PM] BobbySmith EMBB: I mean you did in chat soooo
[5/2/16, 10:49:17 PM] Voice EMBB: you wanna OUT HIM BOBBY
over 8 years

[5/2/16, 10:41:42 PM] Gerry EMBB: bobby did i not tell you to vote who you want and do what's best for you?
[5/2/16, 10:42:03 PM] BobbySmith EMBB: Gerry do you rly wanna bring this out here
[5/2/16, 10:42:13 PM] Gerry EMBB: yes or no
[5/2/16, 10:42:56 PM] Gerry EMBB: or should i just c/p what i said
[5/2/16, 10:43:10 PM] Voice EMBB: um I think you should drag him
[5/2/16, 10:43:21 PM] Voice EMBB: we're not playing hide and go seek
[5/2/16, 10:43:23 PM] BobbySmith EMBB: Idk why you would
[5/2/16, 10:43:24 PM] Voice EMBB: we're playing big brother so EXPOSE HIM
[5/2/16, 10:43:29 PM] Gerry EMBB: idk why you aren't being honest
[5/2/16, 10:43:38 PM] Gerry EMBB: and making it seem like i MADE you save high
[5/2/16, 10:43:39 PM] Voice EMBB: it's not in his nature (chuckle)
[5/2/16, 10:43:45 PM] Gerry EMBB: so are you gonna admit it
[5/2/16, 10:44:21 PM] Gerry EMBB: waiting
[5/2/16, 10:45:46 PM] Gerry EMBB: [5/1/2016 5:25:28 PM] maukamauka: Hey
[5/1/2016 5:25:39 PM] Gerry: yo
[5/1/2016 5:25:42 PM] maukamauka: So I've decided not to save surfman and thinking between the other two
[5/1/2016 5:25:45 PM] maukamauka: Wbu
[5/1/2016 5:26:32 PM] Gerry: its tough man. thinking bout hs
[5/1/2016 5:26:56 PM] maukamauka: At this point I think it might be the right action
over 8 years
HoH results are up!
over 8 years
i want to know what is happening in total not for specific people
over 8 years
Just ctrl + f names.
over 8 years
anybody else try to attempt to read it but only got through 2 pages
over 8 years
over 8 years

I wasn't sure how to go about posting all of what transpired today, and this isn't even all of it, but it's the vast majority of it.

I c/ped as much as I could, and I got 104 pages worth of material... enjoy....
over 8 years
giovanni smel.
over 8 years
well that week went on happily

waves flag of approval
over 8 years
Cosmoiswatching has self-proclaimed himself as HoH this week before the results have happened. He has threatened the entire house, and is going on a rampage.

Right now he is outing the private chatting logs he's had with everyone in the game. These go back all the way when the game started back in March. These are a lot of logs.
over 8 years

The time of happiness and matrimony has long passed after the events that have transpired over the last two weeks.

The house is deeply divided. The question is, who is standing on which side?

How many sides are there?

Needless to say, tensions are running extremely high in the EMBB house, and there doesn't seem to be any friends left. It has become an eat or be eaten environment.

Stay tuned tonight for potentially the most important HoH results of the season.
over 8 years
Joker’s Popularity Rankings Update Post-Week 6:

1. Voice [0]

2. xSoniaNeverMindx [0]

3. Cammy [+6]

4. Cosmoiswatching [0]

5. HighSpace [-2]

6. Jmc31 [+6]

7. Bebop [-2]

8. UltraAug [-2]

9. Surfman [+4]

10. Giovanni [+1]

11. Gerry [-3]

12. BobbySmith [-5]

13. Cjn104 [-3]

14. Powerofdeath [0]

15. Dariukas47 [0]

16. Karthikbk [0]
over 8 years
Eviction Night: Part 8

[5/1/16, 9:02:10 PM] Emmy: HighSpace, do you feel defeated? It looks like you were truly devastated and shocked that Cammy betrayed you this week.
[5/1/16, 9:02:22 PM] HighSpace EMBB: I just wish Cammy would've told me about her frustrations with my game instead of blowing it up and leaving me to be evicted :l
[5/1/16, 9:02:43 PM] CosmoIsWatching EMBB: Lmao
[5/1/16, 9:03:01 PM] Emmy: Jmc31, Jmc, you’ve been quiet this entire game. You finally spoke up this week. Do you feel it was too little too late?
[5/1/16, 9:03:42 PM] xSoniaNeverMindx EMBB: ^
[5/1/16, 9:03:47 PM] Jmc31 EMBB: Yea prolly even though I feel it is the wrong move for most of the house
[5/1/16, 9:04:06 PM] Emmy: Last question goes to the Surfman.
[5/1/16, 9:04:13 PM] Voice EMBB: to the Surfman
[5/1/16, 9:04:58 PM] Emmy: Surfman, if you stay this week. Will you change the way you’ve been playing? You’ve been very quiet, as in your nature. You had a strong week 1, then fizzled out. Do you think it is time to light the fire underneath you?
[5/1/16, 9:04:59 PM] xSoniaNeverMindx EMBB: true
[5/1/16, 9:05:01 PM] Cammy EMBB: OPE
[5/1/16, 9:05:14 PM] xSoniaNeverMindx EMBB: OH
[5/1/16, 9:05:15 PM] Voice EMBB: D R A G
[5/1/16, 9:06:04 PM] BobbySmith EMBB: He is a water creature after all
[5/1/16, 9:06:12 PM] Voice EMBB: true
[5/1/16, 9:06:13 PM] Surfman EMBB: Oh, it's been time to light the fire for a while now. It's only been with my nomination that I realized it, but now, the fire's lit, and we'll soon find out if it's enough to carry me through this week and beyond.
over 8 years
Eviction Night: Part 7

[5/1/16, 8:59:20 PM] Emmy: Cammy, your HOH was fire this week. Everyone on twitter is calling you #5nomscammy, How does it feel to put the entire house on watch this week?

[5/1/16, 9:00:10 PM] Cammy EMBB: I feel like it definitely changed the vibe of the house. It's interesting to see how the game quite possibly has completely changed, and how it'll play out
[5/1/16, 9:00:16 PM] Cammy EMBB: ALSO, I LOVE MY FANS!!!
[5/1/16, 9:00:26 PM] Voice EMBB: who is cheering for you
[5/1/16, 9:00:44 PM] Cammy EMBB: My twitter fans, jealous!
[5/1/16, 9:00:46 PM] Cjn104 EMBB: 5nomsCammy
[5/1/16, 9:00:47 PM] Cjn104 EMBB: lol
[5/1/16, 9:00:47 PM] Voice EMBB: ol
[5/1/16, 9:00:51 PM] Cjn104 EMBB: Fivey
[5/1/16, 9:00:52 PM] Cjn104 EMBB: Fammy
[5/1/16, 9:00:54 PM] Cjn104 EMBB: 5ammy
[5/1/16, 9:01:00 PM] CosmoIsWatching EMBB: Lol Emmy never mentioned fans cammy
over 8 years
Eviction Night: Part 6

[5/1/16, 8:58:23 PM] Emmy: Voice, you’ve been vocal per usual this week. It looks like things have turned around for you. Do you feel like you’re not on the bottom anymore?
[5/1/16, 8:58:34 PM] Voice EMBB: emmy I'm always a top
[5/1/16, 8:58:57 PM] Voice EMBB: but no if I get nominated I'm leaving so
[5/1/16, 8:59:00 PM] Voice EMBB: nothing has changed LOL
[5/1/16, 8:59:19 PM] HighSpace EMBB: is that why youre afraid of being on the block vs jmc
[5/1/16, 8:59:27 PM] Voice EMBB: I"m afraid of being on the block vs anyone
[5/1/16, 8:59:29 PM] Voice EMBB: because I will leave
[5/1/16, 8:59:35 PM] HighSpace EMBB: alright
over 8 years
Eviction Night: Part 5

[5/1/16, 8:57:16 PM] Emmy: Gerry, the spotlight has been off you for a while now. Is this part of your plan?

[5/1/16, 8:57:49 PM] Gerry EMBB: No. The spotlight should always be on me since I'm obviously the best cast member here.

[5/1/16, 8:58:01 PM] xSoniaNeverMindx EMBB: Keep telling yourself that
[5/1/16, 8:58:11 PM] xSoniaNeverMindx EMBB: no one agrees : )
[5/1/16, 8:58:17 PM] Surfman EMBB: Spotlights are fine, unless they're searchlights for snipers.
over 8 years
Eviction Night: Part 4

[5/1/16, 8:55:20 PM] Emmy: BobbySmith, is Voice still your arch nemesis in this game?
[5/1/16, 8:55:36 PM] xSoniaNeverMindx EMBB: Any answer besides yes is a lie
[5/1/16, 8:56:12 PM] CosmoIsWatching EMBB: Your responses used to be so much more confident Sonia
[5/1/16, 8:56:20 PM] BobbySmith EMBB: I'm not worried about him long term.
[5/1/16, 8:56:29 PM] CosmoIsWatching EMBB: Oh damn
[5/1/16, 8:56:35 PM] CosmoIsWatching EMBB: That's a savage response
[5/1/16, 8:56:36 PM] xSoniaNeverMindx EMBB: Oh I'm still as cocky as ever cosmo
over 8 years
Eviction Night: Part 3

[5/1/16, 8:53:23 PM] Emmy: Cjn104, Do you feel like you are in a good position in this game? Or do you think you’ll need to do something soon to have a chance to win it?

[5/1/16, 8:54:36 PM] Cjn104 EMBB: No, I don't feel like I am in a good position, but things always change in this house so you can never tell who is always in a good spot. Actually, nevermind, you can. But I do think the latter is necessary
over 8 years
Eviction Night: Part 2

[5/1/16, 8:51:35 PM] Emmy: xSoniaNeverMindx, you revealed your hidden veto this week. How are you feeling moving forward now that you’ve had to play it in order to save yourself from eviction?

[5/1/16, 8:52:38 PM] xSoniaNeverMindx EMBB: It feels weird you know I always had my safe net of having the hidden veto now that I don't have it I got to step my game up talk to more people maybe try to win a few challenges but I think i'll be good moving forward
over 8 years
Eviction Night:

[5/1/16, 8:48:44 PM] Emmy: Cosmoiswatching, this question comes from our live twitter feed

[5/1/16, 8:49:00 PM] CosmoIsWatching EMBB: I redy

[5/1/16, 8:49:36 PM] Emmy: @GameHardorDieTrying asks, “Cosmo, what do you think of the players remaining in this game?”

[5/1/16, 8:50:21 PM] CosmoIsWatching EMBB: I legitimately hate most of them, and that the casting director should be fired for how stupid the cast is
over 8 years
Eviction results are up
over 8 years
over 8 years

[4/30/16, 5:47:16 PM] HighSpace EMBB: Anyways to clear things up. All of Cammy's noms are not mine. I'm not going to get pinned for it. Getting eliminated is OK, but don't think that I made her nom her closest allies.
[4/30/16, 5:48:22 PM] HighSpace EMBB: After all, I consider myself to be one of Cammy's closest allies. Who is she gonna blame for the nom on me?
over 8 years
lol smh sonia would